"There goes the
greatest hitter
that ever lived."
TED WILLIAMS: 1918 - 2002
Ted Williams Tribute - Monday, July 22, 2002
Legends' tales: 'Trying to get a fastball by him was like trying to get a sunbeam past a rooster'
Red Sox tales: 'He liked to do everything alone. But he had every friend in America'
Dan Shaughnessy: 'The Kid stays alive through folklore, the telling of tall tales. He's a baseball
The science of hitting: 'If we'd just set up a Ted Williams University the day he retired, we'd have started understanding all this a long, long time ago'
Fenway plays host to a Tedfest
Players admired manager Williams
Player turnout for Ted tough to figure
Pen Pals: Ted's best friends still have plenty to say about Splendid Splinter
Williams's Fenway tribute today
Feud follows Williams death
7.7.02: The heirs of the late Red Sox legend Ted Williams yesterday prepared for
a legal fight over his final resting place, the latest and most macabre chapter
in a family feud that rages even amid the tributes for one of America's most
enduring sports icons.
Novel published two years ago imagined cloning of Williams
'Hub fans bid Kid adieu'
Williams spoke language of gods
Day spent with one of the greats
Son not shining
Bigger than life
Family ties
The Kid Rocked
1918 — 2002