Sox fail Colonoscopy exam

Sox Fail Colonoscopy Exam


Sox can't hit for %#@! with Mickey Mouse lineup.
Tito's feud with the American League left fielder continues while the losses pile up and the season is slip sliding away. We know there's an "i" in "team" in Boston Terry, deal with it. We do.

KFK with his 25 RBI stays in lineup. David and his BS excuses and his 79 RBI will have to sit out soon over bush league blowup. The best Triple-A bullpen Theo can buy with $130 million is an absolute joke on us. Stay tuned for the pre-game where we'll hear how great $10 million BK is doing in Pawtucket.

Sox will be ready, Schilling, and able today, but it may be
too little, too late.

Another Wake funeral. Tim is what he is.
Garbage time homers don't help. Game over in first inning.
Anaheim 8 Road Hogs 3

Hammer time: Is Kapler a five tool player who needs more time, less pine?

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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The "Curt�s Pitch for ALS" program is a joint effort by Curt and Shonda Schilling and The ALS Association Mass Chapter to strike out Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig�s Disease.

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