Rice Rips Manny
This Comes Right Out of Left Field ...
Jim Ed Rice: Manny's Not a Leader; Or Really Part of the Team
"Manny Ramirez is really not a part of the team, he�s in the back, in the trainer�s room, not really taking a leadership role. If he was a leader, he would be with the rest of his team and honestly, over the last couple of years, he hasn�t been a leader and that�s not very good. Now, I don�t know if this is true, but Manny Ramirez may be making a big deal over some things so he can become a free-agent. You heard his comments, if he becomes a free-agent, he may be able to make some more money and maybe he�s trying to piss off someone with the Red Sox so, at the end of the year, he can maybe get some more money and some more years if he becomes a free-agent." -- 7.29.08, Jim Rice, XM Radio's "The Show"