Blonde Bombshell: Cowboy Goes Up and Out Twice
Blonde Bombshell:
Cowboy Goes Up and Out Twice
(Boston Globe Photos / Jim Davis) |
Boo Who? Kevin Millarge Comes Up Big
Def Champs Rally Again for 7-6 Win
Rough Wake Finds a Way to Win; Improves to 14-10
Mango Tango: Most Valuable Papi Goes Over the Wall
No Belli Flop: Doug Homers and Steals Another Base (No. 2)
Close Call: Timlin Holds the Line (Barely); Gets Save
"He's part of us. ... This is 'we,' and it always will be. We don't just try to get the flavor of the day. We try to do what we think is right for the long haul." -- 8.31, Terry Francona on our favorite first baseman
Mojo Nixon; Dye Hard
Mojo Nixon
(Getty Images Photo / Scott Halleran) |
Hot to Trot: In the Field and at the Plate
Sox Chip Away and Erase Five Run Deficit
On the Comeback Trail: Olerud Comes Through in a Pinch
Edgar's Better: Renteria Drives in Two; Mueller's Timely
No Rest for the Weary: Johnny Jump Starts the Rally
Pen is Mightier: Timlin the Win
Dye Hard
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
It's Not How He Started, It's How He Finished
Play of the Game: Nixon to 'Tek
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
A Close Call
The Bronx Bellhorn
The Bronx Bellhorn
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo / Chris Pomerleau and Michael Knapp) |
Mark Bellhorn is a New York Yankee
(AP Photo) |
"I think it's a great move for the Yankees. Robinson Cano hasn't played well and sometimes he's been a little distracted. Bellhorn has proven that he can play in the pennant race. Mark was really bothered by the booing he received at Fenway, if you look at his stats in Boston and away from home, he would be third in the AL in OBS and Slg away from Boston. It's a great move by Brian Cashman to pick up Bellhorn." -- 8.30, Peter Gammons, ESPN chat
Wells Runs Dry Mouth Off
Shot in the Arm? Why the Sox Might Not Be Getting One...
The Tragedy of '04
Wells Runs Mouth Off
(NESN screenshots) |
Embarrassing, Rambling Boomer Rant Will
Cost Sox Close Calls Down the Road
"All in all, he embarrassed the Boston Red Sox." -- Peter Gammons
NESN: Watch Some of Wells' 18-Minute Diatribe
Wells on steroid testing: "I'm all for steroid testing. I've been tested three times. It's obvious that there are guys that are getting away with doing it, and he's not doing anything." Others on Wells: "I think Selig did the right thing by postponing the announcement by one day for the good of the game in the light that it would have been the day's headlines on a day when people who like baseball -- and are not obsessed with steroids -- could bask in the glory of Ryne Sandberg and Wade Boggs. The process by which Palmiero was allowed to appeal is his right under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Wells essentially came off as a blow-hard and did not know what he was talking about. Someone should give him the telephone number of the Players Association if he has another complaint. All in all, he embarrassed the Boston Red Sox." -- 8.30, Peter Gammons, chat "While the Red Sox are disappointed to lose David Wells for six games, the Club recognizes that the disciplinary process has run its course, and we accept the results. However, the comments made by David today regarding the Commissioner of Baseball do not in any way reflect the views of the Club. The Club believes the Commissioner has demonstrated visionary leadership and integrity, and we recognize that his contributions to the game have been enormous. Thus, we apologize to the Commissioner."
-- Red Sox statement on Wells' comments
"David Wells has once again created a distraction with a series of ill-informed and ill-conceived comments," Manfred said in a statement. With respect to Rafael Palmeiro, Mr. Wells has absolutely no accurate information concerning the processing of the Palmeiro case. As the Players Association has stated publicly, the Palmeiro case was processed in strict compliance with the Basic Agreement and the discipline was announced as soon as the appeal was completed. Mr. Wells's statement that the discipline was delayed is pure fiction. Mr. Wells's dissatisfaction with his appeal says more about his poor behavior than it does about the quality of the appeal process." -- Major League Baseball exec Rob Manfred on Wells' comments
Wells on Bob Watson: "I don't even know why Bob played. It's like he's against the player... As a player, he played hard. I'm sure he was in a lot of altercations. To turn against athletes knowing what we go through during a game, we get squeezed, bad calls... He knows that. I just think Bob's out to get the guys."
On his appeal: "You look at the bright side of it. They had to fly to Kansas City, so they wasted their time. I guess that�s the bright side I can look at. They had to come to me instead of me going there."
Hot Summer Knight
Hot Summer Knight
(Boston Globe Photo / Jim Davis) |
Papi Comes Up Big Again and Again
Sox Outscore, Outlast, Outplay D-Rays 10-6
Matt Cement: Ace is Solid in Five Inning Win
Johnny Knocksville: Damon Drills One Then Gets Nailed in the Hand
Oh Brother: Hansen Shut Down in Portland; Foulke Getting Old
That's Just Alvarez Being Remlinger
"He's already improving. That's real good news. You all know, if anyone can play with pain, it's Johnny." -- 8.29, Terry Francona on Johnny Tough Guy
Just Boomer Being Boomer
Just Boomer Being Boomer
(David Wells argues with second base umpire Chris Guccione in this July 2, 2005 Reuters photo) |
Ho-Hum, Wells Steaming After Ban Upheld
Report: Mark Bellhorn Headed to the Bronx
Sox Pick Up Pitcher Chad Harville from Houston
(AP Photo) |
What a Relief
Wells Kicks Tigers to the Curb
(Boston Globe Photo / Jim Davis) |
What a Relief
A Healthy Start for Wells Has Sox Feeling Good with 11-3 Win
While Wells Tames Tigers, Sox Offense is a Lion
Fenway is Not Mr. Robertson's Neighborhood
Taking a Dive: Mueller Flashes the Leather on the Hot Corner
Bill Has a Big Bat Too; Papi Steps Up Again
Millar Giveth Then Taketh Away With Strong Throw
"They asked if I wanted to go back out and I said, 'Not really.' I was just drained... We've got to play tremendous ball from here on out. Our starting pitching has to step up a little bit more." -- 8.28, David Wells on giving seven strong innings
Is Abe the Answer?
(Boston Dirt Dogs / Hope-Valarie Pashos Photo) |
Detroit Rocks City
Detroit Rocks City
(AP Photo) |
Tigers Take Win Out of Sox Sails;
Streak Over with 12-8 Debacle
Death Wish: Bronson Run Off the Stage in Sixth
But Six is Not Enough: Ortiz, Nixon Go Deep Early
If You Give the Tigers an Inge, They Take a Yard
Manny Gets the Message: ManRam Runs Like His Hair is on Fire
Poison Pen: Game Goes From Bad to Worse After Arroyo
Jonathan Walks the Walk and Hears First Boo Birds
"We'd better fix it come September, or we're not going to see October.'' -- 8.27, Johnny Damon
Splendor in the Graff
Splendor in the Graff
(Boston Globe Photo / Barry Chin) |
The Grass is Greener at Home: 14 Straight, 9-8
Graff Gets 3 Hits as Bellhorn Says Bye-Bye
Manny Being Manny: 3 RBI for the MVH (Most Valuable Hitter)
Nixon Hustle Up the Line Keeps Inning Alive, Key Run Scores
Damon Strikes Again: Run Scores After Johnny's Whiff
Field of Screams: Mellor's Crew Was Angels in the Outfield
Reversal of Misfortune: Tigers Get the Right HR Call
Wake Wasn't Great and the Pen Was Shaky Again
"We fed off our fans and we fed off each other. We feed off our fans all the time, whether it's coming in late from a road trip, or in the middle of a long homestand. We always feed off our fans. I think they know that. They're a very important part of the way we play. Obviously, we have to go out on the field and get the job done, but they're always a huge part of us winning ballgames." -- 8.26, Trot Nixon on coming home
"Will you please post something in regard to what just happened in the bottom of the fifth? Nixon was hitting with manny on first and BPapi on 3rd, and luckily ran out the double play so the run scored and the sox tied it 5-5. However, Don and Jerry both failed to noticed -- and Manny too because he never even touched second, thus making this all besides the fact, but they missed the fact that the second baseman never came close to touching the bag before throwing to first. Should have been 1st and 2nd with 1 out. UPN showed it from a perfect angle and I TiVo'd it in slo-mo and it's quite clear he as 6-12 inches away from making the out. Awful call, these umps really suck. -- 8.26, Luke Morgan
Fire Starter
Fire Starter
(Boston Dirt Dogs Illustration / Frank Galasso, cartoonist) |
Schilling Hit Hard as Road Hogs Drop Another One in KC 7-4
Makeshift Lineup Looks Lame Against Central Cellar Dwellers
Millar Makes Many Damonesque Throws from Left Field
It's the Offense, Stupid: Mueller, Cora Can't Do It Alone
Papelbombed: Emil Brown Takes Jon Deep
That's Just Mirabelli Being Mirabelli
''It's going to be a fun ride. We as players have to remember we have to enjoy this. You don't come across teams like this often, that won the World Series together. This is the last year a bunch of guys are going to play together. We can't just be so uptight about everything." -- 8.25, Johnny Damon on the stretch drive
Manny Being Lazy
That's Just Manny Being Lazy
(NESN screenshot) |
"This is not the right way to play the game... there's no excuse for it. It is sad because we see it over and over and over again... he doesn't care." -- 8.25, Jerry Remy on Manny's lack of effort (on WEEI's Dennis & Callahan)
"I gotta believe that if you're a Red Sox fan, that's hard to swallow. The sad part is they are afraid to say something to him. And I mean that literally." -- 8.25, ProJo's Sean McAdam on Manny's antics (on WEEI's Dale and Holley)
No Hustle and Flow from Manny Up the Line
But Why Won't Terry Francona Do Anything About It?
Sox Let One Slip Away in KC, 4-3
Clutch Fails on the Road: 13 LOBs = LOSS
Hit Me with Your Best Shot: Clement Strikes Three
Quiet Man's Getting Louder: Renteria Keeps Rolling
Fit to Be Tied: More 9th Inning Trouble for Timlin
Mike Remlinger: Either Lose with Him or Just Lose Him
Rock Star's Act Falls Flat in the 11th Hour
One Tough Ambres: Royals Chip Away for Winning Run
"Long hit an unbelievable down and away (pitch) to put me in position where they had somebody in scoring position. From where I was and from where the umpire was, it looked like he (DeJesus) got in there (with the winning run)." -- 8.24, Bronson Arroyo on the game ending play
It's Been a Bear Market for Millar
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Meir Weinberg) |
But He Comes Out of Hibernation to Homer
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Ddtalent) |
Banned in Boston
Banned in Boston

'Yankees You-Know-What' Shirts Banned at Fenway
Although This Was the Deal Last Season Too
"Fans have told us loud and clear that, for families, such shirts are offensive." -- Charles Steinberg on the shirt ban
"It makes us look, as a community, like idiots." -- Bill Burt circa 2004, WEEI's The Big Show on the YS shirt wearing fandom
"I've stated many times that there is ZERO hatred on the field between these two teams (Red Sox-Yankees), for the most part, zero. Probably as much respect as anything... The hatred part is in the stands and in the media, they need that sorta stuff for material, and they make it into their own little story often times. What they don't make up, fans seem to give them willingly." -- Curt Schilling, circa 2004
Schill Rips Raffy
Schill Rips Raffy
(Getty Images Photo) |
Schill Wants Raffy's Records Wiped Off Books
8.24: Curt Schilling on WEEI�s Dennis & Callahan (audio here):
He (Frank Robinson) thinks Rafael Palmeiro�s records should be wiped out of the books. Would you agree or disagree?
Curt Schilling: I would agree.
You think just cross them right out, erase them, zero line, a little white-out?
CS: �Yeah. I read something the other day about his career, his career numbers and how a lot of his career numbers coincide with certain dates and he obviously sat next to me in Washington and lied, so I don�t know there�s any way to prove that anything he did was not under the influence of performance enhancing drugs� Nothing surprises me anymore. I think growing up, being a fan of the game, watching Steve Howe, watching Darryl Strawberry, watching the things that happened to Doc Gooden. And stuff like that I think I had just gotten to the point where I finally realized that liars and cheaters and criminals exist in all professions and baseball doesn�t absolve us from being human beings and we�re going to have the same kind of people that play this game that do anything else in the world.
What will you say to Palmeiro when you see him?
CS: I won�t say anything to him. I don�t have anything to say to him. I�ve never played with him. I�m not his teammate. My hope is that Raffy does whatever he can possibly do in his position to help further the message that baseball needs to send to kids and to people. Whether he�s going to be able to do that, given what he�s done, to me is doubtful. He has no credibility, I don�t think, in that area. I think that�s gonna be a tough one. I just hope his life gets righted and he does the right thing� On that same (zero tolerance Congressional) committee are some families whose children killed themselves, which I think is�
CS: Yeah.
It's Only Rockin' Royals (But I Like It)
It's Only Rockin' Royals
(AP Photo) |
(But I Like It)
Sox Avoid 9th Nervous Breakdown, Win 5-2
Not the Pitcher of Health, But Wells Goes Five Strong Anyway
Resurgent Renteria Continues to Roll with Three Hits
Nixon Makes Presence Felt with RBI; 'Tek Goes Solo
Jeremi Spoke: Three Perfect Innings Bridges the Gap
Timlin Takes Page from the Keith Schilling Book on Closing
"I still feel like I'm under water when I talk. The right side of my head is clogged up. Physically, I feel fine. My body's not drained, so I'm able to keep food down and all that.'' -- 8.23, David Wells is still under the weather
Goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City Here I Come
Goin' to Kansas City,
Kansas City Here I Come
(Boston Globe Photo / Jim Davis) |
Just My Imagination?
Just My Imagination?
(AP Photo) |
Or Did Edgar Renteria Hit a 2-Out, 3-Run Homer
to Win the Game in the 8th Inning?
5-1 Victory Turns Anaheim to Splitsville
Big Papi Plays Some Small Ball to Beat the Shift
Sox Go to 3-0 With Jonathan on the Mound
Graffanino Keeps His Eye on the Ball
Nothing Stolen: 'Tek Throws Out a Speedster
Schilling Escapes Without Blown Save
"He's not scared. This kid is going to help us. Period. I like him very much. I'm not going to call him kid." -- 8.21, Jason Varitek on Mr. Jonathan Papelbon
Santanaheim Shutdown
Santanaheim Shutdown
(AP Photo) |
Angels Rook Cooks Sox Bats in 4-2 Win
On the Main Stage: Arroyo Plays a Short Set
Johnny Giveth and Taketh Away with the Glove
Something Wild: Chadford Pitch Doesn't Help Matters
Rentererror (No. 23) Delivers Double in the Clutch
Hello Tito: DiNardo is Not the Answer in a Close Game
Anaheimlich Maneuver: Big Bats Can�t Complete Comeback
''He's going to make a greater impact going forward, no doubt about that. It's hard, oftentimes, your first year in a new town. Look at the big contracts out there. It's tough. You don't always make an immediate impact. But he's too good a player to not play better. But even what he's doing now is not a disaster." -- 8.20, Theo Epstein on ER, the $40 shortstop
Start Me Up! Schilling Returns to Rotation
Start Me Up!
(AP Photo) |
Schilling to Start in KC Thursday
Curt Schilling will return to the rotation and start Thursday's game in Kansas City. Mike Timlin will fill the closer role temporarily.
(AP Photo) |
No Sympathy for the Angels, Sox Win 4-3 in 10
Manny Tapper is a Game Winner
Clement Comes Back with Strong Outing
Olerud Comes Through While Millar Rides Pine
Score One for Sveum: �Tek Send Pays Off
Four Hit Night for Johnny Drama
Teflon Timlin Gets Struck Again
Foul Tips: Petagine Walks the Walk in 10-Pitch At-Bat
Pointless Papi: Ortiz Unnecessary Antics Get Him Tossed
Super Effort: Two Schilling Innings are Perfect
``It's not that I was going crazy out there. From the very first pitch, he made a bad call on me. Am I going to be taking that? No, bro. I got to let him know. It's not the time for me to be giving at-bats away.'' -- 8.19, David Ortiz trying to explain why he complains on called strikes
For Whom the Bellhorn Tolls
For Whom the Bellhorn Tolls
(2004 ALCS and World Series Boston Globe Photos / Jim Davis and Stan Grossfeld) |
It Tolls for Thee
"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." -- John Donne (1572-1631), from Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII
"Unlike David Ortiz's heroics in Games 4 and 5, without which the score would have remained tied, Bellhorn's blast in Game 6 was the difference between winning and losing. Something the boo-prone Sox fan might want to consider." -- Kevin Hench
"Hey, I was one of those guys calling for Terry Francona to bench Bellhorn in the ALCS and I don't need to ever see him flail at another pitch for the Red Sox, but the guy will never have to buy a drink in any bar I'm in as long as he lives. Why? Because without him we never would have won the World Series. And that trumps everything. (Even 109 strikeouts in 283 at bats.)
"Even as the Red Sox came off the mat to win Games 4 and 5 against the Yankees, I was still bellowing for Terry Francona to bench Mark Bellhorn in favor of Pokey Reese prior to Game 6 in Yankee Stadium. I figured if Bellhorn can't get the ball out of the infield, shouldn't we at least upgrade defensively with Pokey?
"In the first eight games of the 2004 playoffs, Bellhorn was 4-for-31 (.129) with a .194 slugging percentage and 14 strikeouts, including four in the 19-8 Game 3 massacre at Fenway. He was lost, bewildered, in a deeper funk than George Clinton doing an encore of Atomic Dog.
"But Francona � true to his dance-with-who-brung-ya loyalty � stuck with the Whiffer. And, well, the rest is history.
"Batting left-handed, the switch-hitting Bellhorn hit a three-run home run to left off Jon Lieber in Boston's 4-2 win in Game 6. Watching replays of the home run � which we saw a slew of after umpire Jim Joyce originally blew the call � it just seemed nuts that Bellhorn could hit a ball that far on a cold October night to the opposite field. (Maybe that's just what Joyce was thinking when he initially ruled the ball hadn't cleared the wall.)
"While Games 4 and 5 went straight into the history books as perhaps the two greatest playoff games of all time, Game 6 is the sleeper, the game best remembered for Alex Rodriguez's girly karate chop. Unlike David Ortiz's heroics in Games 4 and 5, without which the score would have remained tied, Bellhorn's blast in Game 6 was the difference between winning and losing. Something the boo-prone Sox fan might want to consider.
"Bellhorn's home run in Game 7 was only critical to pathologically nervous Red Sox fans. After Pedro Martinez got roughed up for two runs in the seventh to make the score 9-3, Bellhorn's solo shot off the right-field fair pole quieted the Stadium and capped the Greatest Comeback of All Time.
"The 2004 World Series will be remembered as one of the most one-sided of all time, a sweep in which the victor never trailed. But when Bellhorn came to the plate in the bottom of the eighth in Game 1 against Julian Tavarez with the score tied 9-9, the Sox were on their way to another World Series calamity. They had led 7-2 in the fourth but Manny Ramirez's bizarre misplay in left � one of four Red Sox errors � had allowed the Cardinals to tie it.
"Bellhorn hit a fly ball down the right field line that seemed so destined to be pushed foul by a howling wind that the Red Sox bench leaned forward only perfunctorily to watch its flight. Then the Clang Heard �Round the World reverberated throughout Red Sox Nation as the ball rattled into the fair pole.
"Bellhorn had homered for the third straight game, twice providing the winning runs in doing so, and the Sox never looked back." -- Read more from Kevin Hench on Mark Bellhorn at
Bellhorn is Set Free. Thanks for the Memories Mark.
Edes chat wrap: The latest on Wakefield, Remlinger, and Damon
Edes mailbag: Millar close to hitting bottom
Foulke Struck by Line Drive
Foulke Struck on Elbow
(AP Photo) |
Keith Foulke Hit by Nixon Drive in Batting Practice
"Foulke was visibly shaken and frustrated." -- 8.19, CBS4's Dan Roche
Adding Injury to Insult
Adding Injury to Insult
(AP Photo) |
Lethargic Sox Go Down Hard on Left Coast, 13-4
Wake Hit By Line Drive; Has Deep Contusion; X-Rays Negative
It's Offensive: Dreadful Defense by Manny, Renteria Rears Ugly Head Again
Why Can't We Get Guys Like Orlando Cabrera?
Another Good Move: Starting Millar Over Petagine or Olerud
Big Juan: Rivera Hits Two Three-Run Homers
Horror Show: Mike Myers Brought in to Face Righty Rivera
Colon Blows Sox Away with Fastball
That's Just Mike Remlinger Being Mike Remlinger
"We really didn't hit like we wanted to, and it starts with me. I need to find it and get hot because the offense goes when I go. I'm disappointed with how I'm doing." -- 8.18, Johnny Damon on another road loss
Bartolo Celebrates Big Win Over Boston
Bogus Steroid Accusations Against Damon, Clemens
Major League Baseball officials received at least a dozen phone calls yesterday regarding a rumor MLB was about to announce that Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon had tested positive for steroids, with an announcement coming today. "Total BS," one official said. MLB and the players' union had released a joint press release last week, vehemently denying that more prominent players had tested positive in the aftermath of Rafael Palmeiro's failed test. -- 8.18, from Gordon Edes' Red Sox notebook
"I just think people want to start something with anybody. I'd be more than happy to take any test. There's no way. If I tested positive for something, it's going to be because someone threw something in a drink or did something like that. I'm used to that stuff happening to me this year. There's been so many rumors in my personal life in Boston that it's been absolutely crazy. Rumors don't bother me. I know the person I am. What else can you do about it? You're in the spotlight. There's people in Hollywood that deal with it all the time. Our team is the closest thing to Hollywood in baseball." -- 8.18, Johnny Damon on the bogus internet chat board steroid rumors that have littered email inboxes over the last few days
Not looking so good for George and company
It's Not Looking So Good for Our Friends from the Bronx
(Boston Dirt Dogs Illustration / Frank Galasso, cartoonist) |
Hansen on the way?
Hansen Could Be in the Big Picture
(AP Photo) |
Craig Hansen May Be on His Way to the Big Club
Your Turn: Is Hansen the Answer to Bullpen Problems?
"I wouldn't be surprised if he was up there (in Boston) next week." -- 8.17, Peter Gammons on Craig Hansen
Night Owl Can't Handle the Early Bird
'Night Owl' Can't Handle the Early Bird
(AP Photo) |
Tigers Draw First Blood on the 'Vampire'
Mannyless Sox Come Up One Run Short, 6-5
No Afternoon Delight: Wells Hammered for 12 Hits, 6 Runs
'Beat Up' Ramirez was 5-for-8 Against Bonderman,
But Takes Another Day Off Anyway
Olerud Steps Back in Nicely; Renteria (Gasp) Gets 3 Hits
Another GND for Millar: Gettin' Nothin' Done
Five Double Plays Spell Big Trouble in Motown
Big Papi Can't Come Through in the 9th This Time
Good Times: Cookie Monster Crumbles Tigers
Sox Go with the Flo
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Chelbus Flinsburgen) |
Cookie Monster Crumbles Tigers
(AP Photo) |
'Clutch' Lets Two Go in Motown in Extra Special Win
The Big 10: Sox 10, Paper Tigers 7
'Tek Goes Deep from Both Sides
'Call Me Jonathan' Has Another Strong Outing
Gonzalez Holds the Line; Bradford Sharp in Win
Trammell Takes Robinson Out, Lets Sox Back In
RemDog Lets Tigers Get Close at the End
"It is easy to second-guess me, but it was my call. I'd like someone to give me a guarantee that David Ortiz wouldn't have done that to Nate Robertson. We're talking about someone who is arguably one of the best players in baseball." -- 8.16, Tigers manager Alan Trammell
Not So Super Curt
Not So Super
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Steve Kurth, Illustrator Answers) |
WEEI Audio: Curt Talks About Last Night
Eric Wilbur: Closer Call
Should Schilling or Timlin Close?
Detroit Breakdown, Motor City Shakedown
Detroit Breakdown
(AP Photo) |
Motor City Shakedown for Schilling
Panic in Detroit After 7-6 Loss?
Curt Can't Close it Out in Inning No. 9
McDonald Drives Through 0-2 Schilling Split
Renteria Runs Into Critical Out at Home
Cora's Big Night Wasted; Papi's Too
Arroyo Rock City: Bronson Gives Up 10 Hits But CD Sales are Strong
Johnny Has a Little Trouble in the Outfield
Manny Goes All Out to Try to Catch Game Winner
The Naked Truth: Sox Streak Over, and Two Bare Fans Delay Game
"Is that 10 consecutive 0-2 pitches that have been hammered? Every other rocket off him in the White Sox series was an 0-2 pitch and tonight's lousy, game-ending split was also on an 0-2 pitch. This fantasy that he's going to return to the rotation and help us seems implausible. Can you imagine seven innings of hanging splits, poor location and ringing line drives? Good pitchers do not get ripped on 0-2 pitches." -- 8.15, Kevin Hench on the new Curt
Globe Pre-Game Update: Papelbon to Start Tomorrow; Millar Sits Tonight
Delcarmen Heads South on the Lou Merloni Highway
The Pour House
The Pour House
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Chicago Pours It On Clement, But Rain Saves Sox Streak
Eric Wilbur: Bandbox of Rain
May the 'Best' Team Win, Again
May the 'Best' Team Win
(AP Photo) |
Boston Gets the Better of Chicago Again
Let the Good Times Roll.
7-4 Win Makes it 13 Straight at Home
Another Large Night for Big Papi
Shades of '98: RBI Petagine Pops One Out
Graffanino Spells More Trouble for Bellhorn with 3 Hits
Wake Cruises to 4th Straight Win
A Little Long Ball for Schill
``We know we're big dogs. We don't need to measure.'' -- 8.13, Kevin Millar on Boston vs. Chicago
12 Straight at Home in the House of David
12 Straight at Home in the House of David
(Boston Globe Staff Photos / Barry Chin) |
Papi Pounds White Sox Pitching;
Powers Boston to 9-8 Win
Under the Weather Wells Gets Sox to 7th
'Tek Chips in with 18th Homer
Manny Makes Costly Error No. 2
Snow Knows: 'Everett, who at 34 is no dinosaur'
Bradford Gets the Win; Schilling Schelled in 9th
''The way he swung the bat tonight, you don't rob those, unless an usher wants to go and get it. Those are some beautiful swings." -- 8.12, Francona on Big Papi
The Bellhorn Watch is On
The Watch is On
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
Bellhorn Could Be Released
"According to a team source, one scenario the Sox are considering is to release second baseman Mark Bellhorn after his 20-day rehab stint at Pawtucket, get him through waivers, and then outright him to Pawtucket and call him up when rosters are expanded Sept. 1." -- 8.12, Boston Globe notebook
Meanwhile, in Pawtucket ...
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration/ Chris Pomerleau and Michael Knapp) |
Mark is Trying to Work His Way Back
Hey, Old Friend Carl Everett is Back in Town
(Boston Globe File Photo) |
Bush League
Bush League
Watching Texas Rangers Baseball is a Horror Show:
Texas Came, Saw Massacre
There's Sweep in the Heart of Texas; Sox Roll 16-5
Bronson Hits a High Note
Rogers Gets Assaulted By Sox Bats on Camera
Ortiz, Fenway Fans Take Shots at Wells' Buddy Kenny
Manny Being the Major League RBI Leader at 107
Another Tony Award: Best Comeback from Pinky Injury
Everyday Edgar's En Fuego: 3-for-6 to Raise Average to .280
Stop the Presses: Timlin Holds Inherited Runner
Rangers Held Homerless for Third Straight Game
Derryl Cousins Turns Kapler's Homer into Double
"I had good command of the fastball tonight which was nice to offset the breaking ball. These guys are very aggressive. They like to swing the bat. They aren't going to work you that much. Other than Michael Young, their guys swing at one of the first two or three pitches." -- 8.10, Bronson Arroyo
Sweep Emotion
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Derek Hixon, |
Sox-Yanks Won't Play Until May in 2006
(Pedro's Coming Back)
'RAH-Gers! RAH-Gers!'
'RAH-Gers! RAH-Gers!'
(Boston Dirt Dogs Illustration / Frank Galasso, cartoonist) |
Kenny from TX Will Hear It from Johnny from BK at Fenway Tonight
And Don't Forget to Bring Your Camera
(Reuters Photo) |
Extra, Extra, Edgar Gets a Big Hit
Extra, Extra
Read All About It
Edgar Gets a Big Hit
(Boston Globe Staff Photos / Jim Davis) |
Another Texas Mess. 2 More Errors. 3 Unearned Runs. Another Win 8-7.
Renteria Hit Expected to Replace Last Millar Homer in New NESN Promo
Bill Mueller's Back for Big Night; RBI Roberto Petagine Heating Up
2-Hits: It's Just Manny-Being-Manny; Remlinger Makes Embreesque Debut
Chad "Not Making Anyone Forget Jay Payton" Bradford Blows Save
Clement Throws 112 Over 6; Schilling Goes 2 Strong for Win
"It doesn't always look beautiful, but it ends up being gorgeous." -- 8.9, manager Terry Francona on getting the win
E. Rentererror
(AP and Reuters Photo) |
The League Leader Gets Error No. 21...
And No. 22 on a Critical Drop in the 7th Inning
Wade Miller Goes on 15-Day DL with Sore Shoulder,
No Rotation Replacement Named.
Graffanino Bruises Left Pinky, Status Day-to-Day.
Dirt Dog Application Now Pending.
Jose Cruz Jr. Traded to LA Dodgers for Player to Be Named Later.
Sox Pick Up Pitchers Mike Remlinger and Ricky Bottalico
The Embedded Embree
(Getty Images Photo) |
Alan Finally Comes Through for Sox
"I'm not pleased with the manager. I don't know about why they left the lefthander (Embree) in. He had a good inning and they kept him in there. He should never have pitched to Konerko -- he's their best hitter." -- 8.9, George Steinbrenner
Buffalo Tom
Buffalo Tom
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Millar Plays a Little Fantasy Baseball
Hey Yankees, Get Your House in Order
Hey Yankees,
Get Your House in Order
(Getty Images Photo / Ezra Shaw) |
Chicago's Scott Podsednik appears to be getting hit in the face by a fan as he catches a fly ball hit by the Yankees' Tony Womack at Yankee Stadium.
Five-Tool Tony
Five-Tool Tony
(Boston Globe Photos / David Kamerman) |
Mark Who? Graffanino Hits, Fields, Runs, and Throws Texas for a Loss, 11-6
Ortiz Comes Alive with a Homer
Gonzalez Keeps it Close
"This guy came in and has really helped solidify not just second base but our ballclub. He gives us some aspects, like going first to third, taking an extra base." -- 8.8, Manager Terry Francona on Tony Graffanino
Sox Call Up Youkilis, Designate Cruz. Jr. for Assignment
RemDawg Has His Day: Remy Extended at NESN Until 2010
CBS4's Dan Roche: Sox May Have Signed Ricky Bottalico
The Best Offense is a Bad Defense
The Best Offense is
a Bad Defense
(AP Photo) |
Sox Overpower Twins, Avoid Sweep 11-7
The Good: 17 Hits -- The Bad: The Metrodome
The Ugly: 3 More Errors, 2 More Unearned Runs
Wake (11K's) Was Great for Eight
Petagine First Hit, RBI Since '98
Manny Being Manny: 4-4, HR, 3 RBI
Kapler, Millar, Rent Bang 3 Hits Each
8 Unearned Runs, 7 Errors for Series
Delcarmen Being Delcarmen?
Schilling Piling Up Saves
"Take the win and get the hell out of here. This place, I hate coming to this place. Balls bouncing everywhere. We were probably to blame. We needed a win today. We got the win. Let's go home." -- 8.8 Terry Francona on the Metrodome
Thrown for a loss
Thrown for a Loss
(AP Photo) |
Timlin Can't Get the Out, Sox Go Down 4-3
I Like Mike... But Hated The Toss
Mueller Back on Error Parade Bandwagon
Edgar Punts to Stop Seventh Inning Rally; Manny GDP Kills It
Adam's Bad Eve: Gets Thrown Out on WP in 8th
Good and Wells: Was David in Too Long or Out Too Soon?
''Mike throws a pretty good sinker." -- 8.6 Terry Francona on the game-ending play
Oldtime Baseball Game
12th Annual Bank of America Oldtime Baseball Game Wednesday, Aug. 17 in Cambridge

Some of Greater Boston�s finest amateur baseball players will assemble at St. Peter�s Field, on Sherman Street in North Cambridge, on Wednesday, August 17 for the 12th Annual Bank of America Oldtime Baseball Game. Gametime is 7 p.m.
This year's game is being played as a benefit for the Lupus Foundation of New England.
What makes the Oldtime Baseball Game so special is the glittering array of old-style flannel uniforms worn by the players. Used just once a year for the Oldtime Baseball Game, the uniforms represent such long-ago teams as the Brooklyn Dodgers, St. Louis Browns and Boston Braves. Negro League teams are represented by the Kansas City Monarchs, Baltimore Elite Giants and Homestead Grays. Even long-ago minor-league teams are represented, including the San Francisco Seals, Oakland Oaks and Roswell Rockets.
Because of the beauty of these uniforms, along with the period music, the raffles, and, yes, the enthusiasm of the players, the Bank of America Oldtime Baseball Game has evolved into a Greater Boston summertime tradition. The Game features amateur players from throughout the area, representing such schools as Harvard, Tufts, Suffolk, Boston College and Holy Cross. Though not billed as an �all-star� game, more than 20 veterans of the Oldtime Baseball Game have gone on to play professionally. Carlos Pena of Haverhill and Northeastern University, who played in the Oldtime Baseball Game in 1996 and �97, is the first alumnus of the game to play in the big leagues.
The Lupus Foundation of New England serves all people with lupus as well as their families and caregivers. A dedicated team of volunteers and staff works to help fulfill the Foundation's mission of providing support and education, public awareness and funding of medical research.
Those attending the game are strongly advised to bring beach chairs or blankets and set up camp along the foul lines, as seating at St. Peter's Field is limited. In fact, it's this "festival" setting that adds to the charm, as fans hug the field to watch this very special event.
St. Peter�s Field is located on Sherman Street in North Cambridge. From Harvard Square, follow Massachusetts Avenue north about one-quarter of a mile, turning left on Linnaean Street. At the end of Linnaean Street, turn right onto Garden Street. Bear right at the fire house onto Sherman Street and follow to St. Peter�s Field, which is on the left.
Take Exit 29A, picking up Route 2 East. Continue on Route 2 East 6.3 miles to Route 16 East, being sure to bear left at the fork, following the �Arlington-Medford next left� sign. Follow to Massachusetts Avenue and turn right. Follow to Rindge Avenue and turn right. Follow to Sherman Street and turn left. Follow to St. Peter�s Field, which is on the right.
Totally Rad
Totally Rad
(AP Photo) |
Brad's Radke's Right at Home in the Dome, 12-0
Quiet Bats End Streak at Eight
Ford, Mauer, LeCroy Power Twins Win
Sox Pitching Gets Pounded
Unearned Runs Don't Help
Bronson Rocked, Twins Roll
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Steve Ellis) |
Arroyo-yo Gets Unplugged at the Metrodome
More Good News:
Bronson Books August 20 Show at Sonny's. "Covering The Bases," Debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard Heatseekers Chart and No. 123 on the Billboard 200
The Handsome One is Trying for a Huge Comeback
The Inside Scoop on Manny's Wall Visit
When Sheff's Right, He's Right
'Gangster' Rap
'Gangster' Rap
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Recovered from the Rent-a-Wreck, Manny's Back Tonight.
Playing Left. Batting Cleanup.
Baltimore Pop
(Boston Dirt Dogs Illustration / Frank Galasso, cartoonist) |
V-Tek Just Kicked in Yo
Eight Straight
(AP Photo) |
V-Tek Just Kicked in Yo
Captain Crunch: Jason Gets First Grand Slam as
Sox Toss Royals 11-9 in Sweep
Captain Courageous: Clement Returns to the Mound
Rare Sighting: Renteria Makes Some Noise with His Bat
Walk in the Park: Sox Get Nine Free Passes
Schilling Gets Another Save
"We go through two or three weeks of bull every year off the field and everybody except us gets all excited, in a panic, and in a frenzy and then all of a sudden we start winning games." -- 8.4, Curt the closer on "controversy"
(Boston Dirt Dogs Illustration / Frank Galasso, cartoonist) |
"I didn't know how I was going to react. I didn't feel any lingering effects. Regardless of the fact that I was able to get a win out of the situation, it's just the fact that I was able to go through the five innings and get to the 100-pitch count." -- 8.4, The 11-3 Matt Clement
When stars collide
Play Through the Nose
(Boston Globe Photo / Jim Davis) |
Give that Manny a Day Off... Or Two
Manny-Being-Hurty. After Home Run No. 30, RBI No. 100
And Sox Win 8-5 for Seven Straight
MBM is a Hard-Nosed Player.
Warning-Track-Millar Gets Two Doubles (Now Scheduling Interviews)
Miller's Good for Six; Myers, ChadBradford, Timlin, Schilling Solid
Graffanino Goes 2-for-4, hitting .304; Bellhorn is... well...
It's True: Sox Display Some Heads Up Baserunning
Petagine Gets a Shot; Olerud Takes 15 on DL
When Stars Collide
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Well, One Star... and the Banjo-Hitting Shortstop
Collision Course: Manny Day-to-Day
(Boston Globe Photo / Jim Davis) |
Sign of the Times
Sign of the Times
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
4 More RBIs for The Manny in 6-4 Win
Royals Tee Off on Birthday Boy Timmy Early,
But He Blows Out KC's Candles Late
Johnny Drama Knocks in the Winner
Schill Schuts the Door
''No trades. There's no way we could survive without Manny. With one swing of the bat, Manny makes a difference. We don't have to feel like we need to scratch and claw for those runs. Manny is able to do it with one swing, and that's better than any trade." -- 8.2 Johnny on Manny
Keeping the faith?
Keeping the Faith?
(Boston Dirt Dogs Illustration / Frank Galasso, cartoonist) |
Report: Palmeiro Positive for Stanozolol
"My heart tells me that he (Palmeiro) will not get in (the Hall of Fame) because of pure stupidity -- he was in just by getting to 3,000 hits. My mind reiterates that while some of the details of Jose Canseco's book may be questioned, his motivation and betrayal of teammates disgusting, there is a lot more truth than many want to allow." -- 8.2 Peter Gammons to Jerry Crasnick, ESPN Insider
Papelbon to Pawtucket
Jon Gone
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Steve Kurth, Illustrator Answers) |
Papelbon Goes Back to PawSox; Cruz Jr. Activated
Jon Will Work Out of Pen in Pawtucket
Hall of Shame
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo / Meir Weinberg) |
Bonds* Doesn't Expect to Play This Season
Hall of Shame
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
"Good morning, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee. My name is Rafael Palmeiro and I am a professional baseball player. I�ll be brief in my remarks today. Let me start by telling you this: I have never used steroids. Period. I don�t know how to say it any more clearly than that. Never. The reference to me in Mr. Canseco�s book is absolutely false." -- 3.17.05, Rafael Palmeiro* testimony to the Committee on Government Reform, United States House of Representatives
Palmeiro* Suspended for Steroids Violation
Statement from Rafael Palmeiro*
"I am sure you will ask how I tested positive for a banned substance. As I look back, I don't have a specific answer to give. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to explain to the arbitrator how the banned substance entered my body." -- 8.1.05, Rafael Palmeiro* statement to the media