'Twas the Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Nation,
We waited for the results from Napoli's 12th hip examination
Our Red Stockings were hung in last place just last year,
Now the hope is Saint Farrell will lead a team we might cheer

Ben Cherington was nestled all snug in his bed,
Dreaming of free agent has-beens at $13 million a head;
And Werner in his ascot, and Henry's mind on The Kop,
Is there any doubt in your mind Boston's in for another flop?

When out on the web there arose such a clatter,
Did Lucchino make a deal? There's 500 tweets on the matter,
Away to Fenway we flew in a dash,
Tore open the laptop, camera ready to flash

Who's breaking the story? Who's the source in the know?
Has Jacoby been traded? Did they spend the Gonzo-deal dough?
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But our old friend Johnny Damon, with a smile ear-to-ear

�He'll platoon with Gomes! In the clubhouse he'll click!�
We knew in a moment, it was Ben's latest cheap trick
More rapid than Valentine could light a flame and bring shame
Henry whistled, and shouted, he called them by name!

"Now Suarez! now, Gerrard! now, Shelvey and Sterling!
On, Allen! On, Agger! Carragher and Downing!
To the top of the table! On a striker I'll spend it all!
Who cares if the Red Sox won't be playing in the fall?�

They'll be cheering at Anfield, but at Fenway we'll cry
And while you are reading this, Ben signed another �nice guy�
It's a team full of dirt dogs and the brother of J.D. Drew
There's still not enough horses, but there's plenty of glue

And then, in a twinkling, he strolled to the mound,
The prancing and pawing of this hard throwing hound,
Laying his long finger aside of the seam
He stares just like Martinez� an impossible dream?

He spoke words in Spanish, and went straight to his work,
He went into his windup; then he turned with a jerk,
As he threw out his hand, and was coming around,
Down toward home plate, the ball took off with a bound;

He threw like the old Pedro, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment, Petey had the old kick;
His heater's mid-90s, the curve ball has bite,
Larry signed him up to pitch every fifth night!

And Lester and Buchholz came in focused and healthy
Lackey's ready to roll, and thanks to Theo he's wealthy
Dustin knows how we do things; Victorino knows what to say
And Farrell's got four catchers and two center fielders to play

Ellsbury stays on the field for his Boston goodbye
No more stars for us, but the payroll's still sky high
Papi had the old stroke back, when he hit 'em they flew,
Everyone batted around, the unnamed left fielder, too!

The crowd sprang to their feet, to the team gave a whistle,
Salty circled the bases, Dempster threw another missile;
A new year is upon us and the Olde Towne ballclub,
"Bridge Year be damned! PENNANT FEVER GRIPS HUB!"

...with apologies as always to Clement Clarke Moore and Henry Livingston, Jr.
Merry Christmas, Boston Dirt Dogs

Drew the Short Straw

Stephen  Drew
(Getty Images)

What's the Fascination, If It Is True, With Stephen Drew?

For the 10th Year in a Row, The Revolving Door Band-Aids at Short Will Continue
Enrique Iglesias Has Now Moved Ahead of Jose Iglesias in the SS Pecking Order
This Just In: Drew Out On Opening Day with Sore Back, Neck Stiffness, Leg Cramps
In Search of a Scutaro Spark: Red Sox Stick with Overpaying for Marginal Talent Plan
Maybe Now the Red Sox Can Finally Trade Future Hall-of-Famer Iglesias for Cliff Lee
Only Surprise Is That Ben Didn't Insist on Paying the Underperforming Drew $13M
Carlos Pena Signs for a Reasonable $2.9 Million... Cherington Scoffs

"We think Drew will be the Red Sox answer at shortstop for many, many years to come." -- Sincerely, Pokey Reese, Orlando Cabrera, Nomar Garciaparra, Cesar Crespo, Ricky Gutierrez, Mark Bellhorn, Edgar Renteria, Ramon Vazquez, Alex Cora, Alex Gonzalez, Julio Lugo, Royce Clayton, Jed Lowrie, Nick Green, Marco Scutaro, Yamaico Navarro, Bill Hall, Angel Sanchez, Mike Aviles, Drew Sutton, Jose Iglesias, Nick Punto, and Pedro Ciriaco

Dumpster Diving

By Ron Sen, BDD contributor, founder of Red Sox Reality Check

Boston Red Sox representatives continue to meet with the negotiating team of Texas Rangers California Angels free agent outfielder Josh Hamilton.

WAIT! Did the Sox get the message, or is this the continuing disinformation spin coming from Yawkey Way?

The Sox, never to be outdone (or outspun) have concocted a Herman Cain-esque 13-13-13 plan, as if they don't have enough bad luck going to disparage triskaidekaphobia (spelling bee losahs groan here). The locals have negotiated with Ryan Dempster career 4.33 ERA with AL ERA over 5 last year, Shane "Better Days" Victorino, and Mike (My Aching Back) Napoli to low-term, high pay deals, although Napoli's is still pending. Google "career .500 pitcher", and there's a great chance Dempster is your poster child.

But is this off-season charade about reloading or posturing, as the posers hope for lightning in a bottle while drunk-dialing agents (fried chicken and beer being the near official foods of the Boston Red Sox) addicted to the number 13?

I'll acknowledge that I KNOW NOTHING. After all, I snickered when uber-agent Scott Boras suggested Jacoby "Mirror, Mirror" Ellsbury could get twenty million dollars a year. And I don't think that he meant TEN adjusted for playing half a season.

In a market that overpays mediocrity with astonishing regularity, anything is possible. Anibal Sanchez has a sub .500 career record, and just scored EIGHTY million dollars from the Detroit Tigers for five years. Clearly, when the numbers got over THIRTEEN, the Sox folded like an accordion. And by the way, Sanchez's next win will bring his career totals to 49.

By comparison, Ray Culp won 122 career games, Spaceman Bill Lee 119, and Reggie Cleveland 105. At age 28, Lee "fleeced" the Red Sox for $80,000 dollars as a pitcher who won 17 games and had a WAR of 2.1. Is Anibal Sanchez materially better than any of the aforementioned trio, or has Reefer Madness descended upon all of us in age of changing drug policy?

I won't pretend that I will forswear baseball in 2013, waiting for the anointed Killer B's of Barnes, Bogaerts, Bradley, and Brentz. But I remember waiting for Kevin Romine, Chuck Rainey, Win Remmerswaal, and Brian Rose. Maybe we'll someday see the Sox kiddie corps in a Major League all-star game or if unexpected longevity occurs for us, Cooperstown. But I'm not holding my breath.

As currently constituted, are the Sox any more than breakeven favorites to outpace the Orioles for fourth in the AL East behind Toronto, New York, and Tampa Bay? Have the Red Sox led by Larry Lucchino and erstwhile surrogate Ben Cherington sucker-punched us all? It sure feels like it to me. If I want "Character Approved" I'll watch USA Network.


Wait 'Til The Year After Next Year

Boston Dirt Dogs

Suddenly, Boston Can't Run With the Big Dogs
The 2013 Red Sox Will Be All Glue, No Horses

Angels Lock Up Josh Hamilton, Sox Fans Still Getting Punished for Carl Crawford
He Might Like Boston, But Victorino Would Have Played on the Moon for $13M/Year
Pulling a Jack When You Need An Ace: Sox Fill Spot in Rotation with Dempster
Edes: Sox Gambling On Not Spending Big

"They should have made a splash and signed Josh Hamilton, one of the best players on earth. But the Angels and the outfielder agreed to a five-year, $125 million deal Thursday. The Red Sox couldn�t have done that?" -- Nick Cafardo, Boston Globe

BDD / James MacLeod Cartoons
(BDD / James MacLeod Cartoons)

Youkilis Seems Physically, Emotionally Into It with Yankees

Time for Sox to Put The Big-Boy Pants On

Josh Hamilton Boston Red Sox
(Jim Davis / Globe Staff)

A.K.A. Hammer Time

Hamilton Is Still Out There. Will Boston Step to the Plate?
Or Keep Messing Around and Creating a Mess?

Rumors Float That Phillies Offered Hamilton $80 Million for Three Years
Ownership on the Case: Tom Werner Apologizes to Fulham Owner Mohamed Fayed
Good Thing Sox Almost Spent $80M On Injured Napoli and Slumping Victorino
Hamilton's Still on Rangers Radar, Washington Wants Him Back
More Old School Options: Sox Pursuing Ryan Dempster

Keep Calm and Carry On

Boston Dirt Dogs
(BDD / The Three Stooges)

Sox Crack Medical Team Will Get To The
Bottom Of Napoli Mess

Napoli's Damaged Goods? Great, He'll Fit Right In
Pope Expected to Tweet on Napoli-Sox Situation After Mass

Another Yankee Flipper

Boston Dirt Dogs - Youk to Yankees

Kevin Youkilis Goes To The Dark Side in New York
The Only Thing Worse Is The Faux Outrage in Boston

$12M for the shell of Youk? When Did Ben Cherington Become the Yankees GM?
Will Fans Boo? Will They Yell YOOOUUUK?!? How Will We Know?!? OMG!!! | Wilbur: A Pinstriped Youk | Finn: Kevin Youkilis, Yankee

"Hey Red Sox fans. You can stop crying, grow up, and join the real world any day now." -- Sincerely, Johnny Damon, D-Lowe, Babe Ruth, Wade Boggs, Roger Clemens, Luis Tiant, Butch Hobson, Jose Canseco, Danny Cater, Ken Brett, Mark Bellhorn, Tony Clark, Eric Hinske, Bartolo Colon, Jack Clark, Mike Lowell, Alan Embree, Darren Bragg, Mike Easler, Tony Fossas, Greg Harris, Jackie Jensen, Jim Leyritz, Darnell McDonald, Doug Mientkiewicz, Bob Ojeda, David Wells, Paul Quantrill, Jeff Reardon, Tom Gordon, George Scott, Lee Smith, Mike Stanley, Mike Torrez, Bob Watson, Mark Whiten, Frank Tanana, Ramiro Mendoza and 283 other players who have suited up for both teams

Partners in Crime

Partners in Crime
(BDD Photo Illustration / Meir Weinberg)

Not Since Johnny Joined Yanks and Adam Bolted to Colts
Has There Been This Much Whining in New England

"Johnny Damon, whose two-homer, six-RBI Game 7 performance in the 2004 ALCS was as clutch as you'll find in franchise history -- seriously, pause a minute and think about how he and fellow recent Yankee Derek Lowe altered history that night -- still gets booed around here for taking a few extra bucks to join the Yankees after the 2005 season." -- Chad Finn, TaTB

The Great Escapes

The Great Escapes
(BDD Photo Illustration / Timothy Owens)

This Just In: Players Leave Boston
And Play Elsewhere Sometimes

Something to Chew On

... While Waiting for the Red Sox to Get Some Stars
Back in the Lineup

And What's Your Gut Reaction to This Beckett Photo?

BDD / James MacLeod Cartoons
(BDD / James MacLeod Cartoons)

Meanwhile, Across the Pond ...

(Boston.com Photo Illustration)

Liverpool Fans Want to Pick John Henry's Pockets
And Have Ownership Dump the Sox

Boston.com: Liverpool Fans Concerns with Ownership a Common Bond
Watch: Liverpool Fans' Talk Red Sox, Henry, Money | Liverpool Added Time

Shane Old, Shane Old

<strong>Shane Victorino on the Red Sox

'Shane Victorino' Is Hawaiian for 'Bridge Year'
And It's Dirt Dog Overload at Fenway

Victorino in 2012: .255, 11 HRs, 55 RBIs, .704 OPS ...for Napoli Money
Ben's New Plan: Pay Guys Coming Off Their Worst Career Years...
Like They're Just Coming Off Their Best Career Years
So Instead of Carl Crawford, Adrian Gonzalez, and Cody Ross,
It's Jonny Gomes, Mike Napoli, and Shane Victorino... Hmmm
The Cheerful Cody Ross, We Hardly Knew Ye

"Shane Victorino's three-year, $39 million contract with the Boston Red Sox vaults to the top of the rankings of the worst contracts signed so far this offseason, giving him virtually the same total dollars that Angel Pagan -- a superior player -- will receive in a contract that's a year longer. The Sox have now squandered a substantial amount of the payroll flexibility they obtained over the summer when they traded Adrian Gonzalez to the Los Angeles Dodgers just to rid themselves of two awful contracts, yet they have little to show for their recent spending spree." -- Keith Law, ESPN Insider, 'Victorino's deal doomed to fail'

"Within, oh, 30 seconds of the Victorino news breaking, many executives in the Opryland Cascades lobby thought it was the silliest thing they'd ever heard. A switch-hitter traded from the Phillies to the Dodgers last summer, Victorino's splits against right-handers in 2012 were .229/.296/.333. Against lefties, he was almost 100 points higher at .323/.388/.518. Gomes, whom the Red Sox signed for two years, $10 million last month, was a platoon player in Oakland in 2012. Over the course of his 10-year career, Gomes' splits against right-handers are .223/.307/.425. Against lefties, they're .284/.382/512." -- Scott Miller, CBSSports.com

"Everything we're trying to do this offseason has sort of a short-end, long-term reason and hopefully fits into the -- I don't want to say our five-year plan because that's too far out -- but medium-term plan." -- Ben Cherington... has plans

Taking a Nap
<strong>Mike Napoli</strong>

Signing Met With a Collective ZZZzzzz in Red Sox Nation

Boston Now the Favorites for 4th Place in AL East After Mike Napoli Blockbuster
Cherington's Rebuilding Strategy: Pay Superstar Salaries to Part-Time Dirt Dogs
$13.9 Million Per Season for a First Base/DH Type Is Ridiculous. Sincerely, J.D. Drew
Sox Offseason Slogan: 'Sign Two Players to Accomplish What We Used to Do With One'
Platoon Is Not Just a Movie Starring Charlie Sheen. It's Coming to Fenway in 2013.
Are There Going To Be Enough At-Bats in a Season to Fit In All These Part-Timers?
Just In: Survey Said a Josh Hamilton Signing Would Really Help the Ratings at NESN
Of Course, Joe Maddon Likes These Guys. He's Not Playing Them Or Paying Them
Mike Napoli, The Nation Turns It's Loney Eyes To You

"[Napoli's] been a big part of the club and we want to have him back. But at the end of the day, that number [$13.3 million] is not something we could get comfortable with." -- 11.2.12, Rangers GM Jon Daniels who wouldn't risk $13.3 million for just one season on Napoli

Three Cheers

The James Gang John  Henry, LeBron James, Tom Werner
(BDD Photo Illustration)

FSG's No. 1 Son Named SI Sportsman of the Year

Christmas at Fenway

Boston Dirt Dogs
(BDD Photo Illustration)

In Case You Missed It

It May Be That Their Roster Is Two Sizes Too Small
Do the Red Sox Need a Bigger Plan at Winter Meetings?

"Blah... Blah... Blah..." -- Things Ben Cherington says

BDD is a feature of Boston.com. All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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