Pedro Martinez is in Tampa Today

Hey, Can You Really 'Break News' Seven Hours After a Story Has Already Been Reported?


"Boston Dirt Dogs, a very popular and reliable website based in Boston is reporting that Pedro had lunch with Steinbrenner today." -- 11.16 ESPN's Peter Gammons on Sports Center

Pedro in Meeting with Boss
at Legends Field Right Now

BDD Source: Martinez is seeking 4 years/$15M per,
Yanks are offering 3-4 years at $14M per year

Pedro initiated get-together, Steinbrenner says meeting was "good"


(Richard Brister freelance web design photo)

BREAKING NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Update 4:58pm ET: Pedro Martinez, his agent Fern Cuza, and Yankee executives Randy Levine, Mark Newman, Billy Connors, and George Steinbrenner are meeting in the Boss's 4th floor office at Legends field right now.

According to a Boston Dirt Dogs source, Pedro Martinez was picked up at Tampa International Airport this morning at 10:00a.m. by a Yankee official and is meeting with George Steinbrenner now at the Yankees complex. Pedro will be having lunch with the Boss, possibly at Malios Steakhouse, and touring the facilities at Legends Field in Tampa all afternoon. Stay tuned for further developments.

"I promise, I'm not going to the Yankees. I want to stay right here."-- 10.29 Pedro Martinez to The Boston Globe's Stan Grossfeld

"Make the deal for Zito or Hudson, sign Parvano, and let's all admit that the Red Sox are now Schill's team anyhow. Let the Yankees over-sign another old pitcher one centimeter away from a torn rotator cuff with a guaranteed contract."-- Longtime Red Sox aficionado Shaun Kelly

Official Red Sox 2005 Spring Training Schedule
(Sox Games in Dominican Republic Were Cancelled, Hmmm)
Guerrero wins MVP, Sheffield Second, Manny 3rd, Ortiz 4th

Vote Coleman, Martin, and Woods by December 1st
Ft. Myers: Spring Tix on Sale Dec. 7, No D-Lowe at Rally, $5 for 5 swings (Sox mascots "Lefty" and "Righty" will not be there selling memberships into Red Sox Nation) | Unofficial 2005 Regular Season Schedule

Gammons: Angels will offer Tek 4 year deal
BDD source: D-Lowe, in Las Vegas last weekend, indicated he really
wants to stay in Boston (we want him to stay too)

Johnny Damon is all over Brooklyn

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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