McGwire shot up steroids
McGwire Exposed!
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo / NBC) |
Canseco Blows the Whistle on Unnaturally Big Mac,
He Personally Injected Palmeiro, Juan Gone, I-Rod, and Mark McGwire
Canseco in Juiced: "McGwire and a young Jason Giambi heading into the men's room to inject each other with the anabolic steroids that would turn them from lanky lads into musclebound behemoths."
"If you were around the game and didn't hear any of that, well, you purposefully had planted your head in the sand, whether you were an owner, a player, a union leader, a writer. Everybody knew; everybody blew it, to varying degrees." -- Buster Olney, ESPN The Magazine, on the steroid disaster
The Unabashed Brothers
(Boston Globe File Photo / Jim Davis) |
Jose Gives McGwire a Private Lesson
The New Old Single Season Home Run King: Roger That
Iron*: 63*, 64*, 65*, 66*, 70*, 73*
Irony: 61, no asterisk.
(AP File Photo) |
The Natural
Above: Roger Maris, New York Yankees' slugging outfielder, follows through on his swing as he hits his record-breaking 61st home run on the last day of the season, October 1, 1961 at Yankee Stadium. Maris broke Babe Ruth's single season home run record in the fourth inning on a pitch from Tracy Stallard of the Red Sox. Maris' home run record, 61 in a single season has stood for over 43 years, but 1998 was the year the record almost fell. Three flaxseed oil soaked sluggers, St. Louis Cardinals Mark McGwire*, Chicago Cubs Sammy Sosa*, and San Francisco's Barry Bonds* have all attempted to hijack Maris' record in the years that followed to no avail.
His fate in hands of Veterans Committee, many wonder why Maris has been left out
Steroidgate: What did the President know and when did he know it?