Birthday girl and second coming

The Cowbino Hits One for the Babe

Boston Dirt Dogs

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo/ Elizabeth Roderick)

A Throwback to Ruth: Millar Homers for Birthday Girl

BDD Exclusive (FOX 25 grabbed the story from here, but gave us no credit): "I have a truly amazing story that happened on my 25th birthday, May 9th, that I think would make a lot of people smile.

"Monday at the Cheesecake Factory where I'm a waitress, Kevin Millar (my favorite Red Sox player) came in with his family and because it was my birthday and because of his hitless streak, I asked him to hit a home run for me on my birthday. He looked at me and said... "I tell you what. If I hit a home run tonight, it will be for you."

"Meanwhile, he has yet to hit a home run all season. So, I go to the game, have amazing seats, 7 innings go by and no home run and I think to myself... "at least you got to meet him, whatever, it's okay...." THEN SLAM!!! KEVIN SENDS ONE INTO THE MONSTAH!!!!! I go nuts. Everyone around me has heard me predict this and is hugging me and high-fiving me. I thought that would be the end of my story but after the game, I wanted him to acknowledge his promise so I wait with 200 other fans outside the players' parking lot for him to come out. The crowd sees him finally and starts going nuts. I start yelling "CHEESECAKE!!!" (haha, I'm a loser, I know, but it was the only way he would recognize me!) Finally, his wife sees me and starts elbowing Kevin who personally starts waving to me and I get passed security. He gives me a big bear hug and says "See. I told you I'd hit a home run for you on your birthday."

"I was wondering if you could do a story on it to show Boston what a down-to-earth, awesome guy Millar is. After my birthday, he is on fire!! It made this Back Bay waitress have the birthday of her dreams." -- Elizabeth Roderick (File under: The Big Tipper)

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(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo/ Meir Weinberg)

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

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Boston Herald:

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NY Post:

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