Is Millar the Backstabber?
Is Millar the Backstabber?
And Should He Be Benched Anyway?
Smoking Gun?
Millar Ripped Tito to the Herald's Howard Bryant Previously
"The one thing, and I thought about this a lot, and I saw Howard Bryant's (July 6 article, which quotes an unnamed player on the Red Sox who said that it was Francona's responsibility to put his own guys on the All-Star team), with Kevin Millar ripping the manager (about not selecting Matt Clement and Mike Timlin), we all know who it was, so, which I thought was uncalled for considering what the manager's done for him." -- 7.7.05, Peter Gammons, WEEI's The Big Show
Who Said It?: "When he comes into the game, people cheer him like he's the Pope?
You think they'd let Pedro get away with this? Why does he get a free pass?"
-- Anonymous Red Sox player on Curt Schilling
Tomase Fingers Millar: Schilling "complained in a Boston Globe story that he believes at least one of his teammates wants him to fail. Schilling didn't name the teammate, but it should be noted that after recording a 3-1 putout (Tuesday) night, Schilling ignored Kevin Millar's raised glove and started the traditional around-the-horn himself, firing directly to Tony Graffanino at second without acknowledging Millar." -- 9.28, John Tomase, Lawrence Eagle Tribune, echoing what the ProJo's Sean McAdam also alluded to on WEEI yesterday
More Clues Point to Millar
"Someone's Who's Not Wired Right," Check.
Someone Who Would Throw Around "Pope" and "Snowman" References, Check.
Someone Who's Been Booed at Fenway, Check.
Someone Who Wants to "Feel Better" About Their Season, Check.
Made "#&@! Everybody" T-Shirts, Check.
Survey: Who Do You Think is Talking Trash About Schilling?
Discuss: Backstabbing and Pennant Race Ramifications