The Wrong Stuff
The Wrong Stuff
False Start: In the Beginning, Schilling Gets Hit Hard
While Sox Are Undone by Another Unknown in 6-2 Loss
Not Your Average Joe: Blanton Blows Away Sox Batters
0-for-7 with Runners in Scoring Position
It's Offensive: 'Tek, Rent Continue to Struggle at the Plate
Umps Make Terrible Calls, Both Sides (Get Over It)
Don't Look Now: Yanks One Game Back in Loss Column
Jay Who?
"I had a feeling coming into this game they would have seen how many first-pitch fastballs I was throwing in my last game, and how many balls I left in the middle of the plate that got hit well... I knew it was going be to be a tight game and I gave up two runs in about two minutes before anybody's even sitting in their seats." . Today was location, I just left a lot of balls in the middle of the plate. That was a winnable game going into the seventh, and I just let it get away." -- 9.15, Curt Schilling on his bad start
Damon Back in Lineup; Hyzdu Recalled