You Stay Classy, Ozzie
You Stay Classy, Ozzie
Embarrassing: The Chicago Choker is a Joker
"Last week, everybody was talking about how Cleveland was going to kick our butts, and they did. I'm not going to say it's a great feeling (sending the Indians home) because I respect the manager and I respect the players there." -- 10.2, White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen, Sun Times
"While I'm at it, let me tell Ozzie Guillen that he did his Wacky Uncle image no favors when he became the first major-league manager in known history to flash a double-fisted choke sign at a mascot -- Slider, employed by the Indians -- and the Jacobs Field fans during a pitching change Sunday. When the Blizzard of Oz wonders why he's not treated like Bobby Cox and Tony La Russa, he should examine the photo and ask if those gentlemen ever would stoop to taunting some poor mope in a suit whose team has just finished fading like, well, Craig Ehlo trying to guard You Know Who." -- 10.3, Jay Mariotti, Sun Times
Chicago Dope: Everything You Didn't Want to Know About Carl Everett