Damon to the Dark Side
Damon to the Dark Side
(BDD Photo Illustration / Meir Weinberg) |
Hench: Good Riddance Johnny
'I hope you had the time of your life'
"Good riddance, Johnny Damon, self-proclaimed American idiot.
"Though I suppose it was hardly unpredictable that the New York Yankees would overpay a star player as he heads into the decline phase of his career, I guess I thought Damon might be the one guy who could resist the siren call of Delilah.
"But no, just as Samson was seduced and betrayed by that treacherous woman, so, too, has Damon capitulated to the overtures of the dark side. Delilah had to coax Samson to sleep in her lap before she had a Philistine shave off his strength-inducing locks. Damon, presumably, will willingly submit to George Steinbrenner's shears as he joins Goliath � after helping slay that particular Philistine in 2004.
"Samson's hair had been a symbol of his covenant with God. Damon's hair had been a symbol of his covenant with good in its unending opposition to the Evil Empire. After being shorn, Samson awoke to find that both God and his strength had left him. Will Damon suffer the same fate? (For the sake of Red Sox Nation, he must.)
"Sapped of his strength, Samson was captured, blinded and sent to grind meal in the prison house at Gaza. Damon � blinded by Steinbrenner's millions and Scott Boras' wild exaggerations � has now also been captured, pulled in by the Death Star's tractor beam..."
-- Kevin Hench, continued at FOXSports.com