Sox Play Hardball

Sox Play Hardball

Larry Lucchino and Doug Mientkiewicz

(Boston Globe File Photos)

Team Forced to Go to Court to
Keep '04 Series Ball in Boston

Mientkiewicz Was Set to Get Sox Ball Back in January

Your Turn: Whose Ball is it Anyway?

"First of all he (Foulke) wasn�t going to throw it to me, I�m yelling at him, �throw me the ball!� I want to be on Sports Illustrated too. He threw me the ball and I held on to it. I held onto the one when we won against the Yankees too. Derek had pitched such a good game, he�s gotta have that ball. I gave it to him after all that he had been through, and I was going to give him this one, and I thought, �this is crazy, I�m a baseball buff, it�s something I want to hang on to.� -- 1.7.05, Former Red Sox reserve Doug Mientkiewicz

"I'd have definitely liked to have it (World Series ball) back. When we got back to Boston, I asked him about it and I didn't get it. So that's the end of that. I didn't really think about it at the time. After he caught it, it was like there are other things going through my mind... I didn't get the ball and that's it." -- 2.16.05, Red Sox relief pitcher Keith Foulke


(AP Photo)

A Look Back on Ballgate
Ballgate Swings Wide Open
The Verdict is In: Mink Stole
'I Think the Whole Thing is Disgusting'
Mientkiewicz Agreed to Give Ball Back
Million Dollar Baby Returns
Caught Red-Handed

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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