Last Call for Clemens?
Last Call for Clemens?
(AP File Photo / Roger Clemens first pitch 10.25.86) |
Rocket Pitches Tonight to Keep US Alive
Roger 3.16
'''He's more like Jesus than I thought,' said Chipper Jones, when asked about the legend of Roger Clemens. 'There will be guys talking smack in the clubhouse and Roger walks in and . . . it's like the parting of the Red Sea. He's like E.F. Hutton; when he speaks, people listen.'" -- 3.16.06, Nick Cafardo, Boston Globe
'''When Roger says, 'Let's get it on,' you know he means business. It's time for all of us to get serious,' [Chipper] Jones said. 'It's going to be a great honor for me to play third base [against Mexico] with Roger on the mound. It'll be one of those things I can tell my grandchildren -- that I played with Roger Clemens. Just being able to throw the ball back to him and the possibility it might be his last start, just thinking about that gives me chills.'" -- 3.16.06, Nick Cafardo, Boston Globe
Rocket Man Burning Out His Fuse Tonight ...
And I Think It's Gonna Be a Long, Long Time ...
It's All Fun and Games for Curt
(PRNewsFoto / Sony Online Entertainment Inc.) |
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