Ten Years Too Late ... The Investigation Begins!
Ten Years Too Late...
the Investigation Begins!
(BDD Photo Illustration) |
Major League Baseball to Launch Steroids Probe
Red Sox Director George Mitchell Will Lead Investigation;
Former Senator Vowes to Drag Out Steroid Scandal into Summer;
Mitchell Hires the Best Man for the Job: Chief Inspector Clouseau
"It won't be easy, that is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."
-- Inspector Clouseau
USA Today: Reasons for Bonds* Bad Image
Inviting E-mail from Henry:
Sox Owner Thought You Were 'Long Suffering' Before 2004 Series Win
Eric Wilbur: The Odds Have Spoken -- Sox are 10-1
Rob Bradford: The Rise of David Ortiz
The Onion: Steinbrenner Names Damon New Yankee Scapegoat
Curse of the Arroyo?
(AP Photo) |
Reds 4, Red Sox 0: Bronson Mows Down Sox for 7
Tavarez Suspended for 10 Days