Drama Kings
(AP Photo) |
At First They Don't Succeed
But Then They Score, Score Again
Sox Finish As Kings of the Hill,
Come Out On Top of the Heap, 5-3
(Getty Images Photo / Jim McIsaac) |
Mark Loretta, the New Yankee Killa
The Wrist is History: Matsui for Bernie Swap Means Gonzo Pop Drops
Cairo in Denial: Miguel Drops Jeter's Long Toss in 7th
Tim Hung Tough: Wake Doesn't Knuckle Under, Gets 9 K's
D-Fence: Lowell, Mirabelli Robbed, But Sox Take Game Back
Blown Away By Timlin: Down Goes Giambi, Down Goes A-Rod
Insurance Salesman: Youk Flashes Leather, Bangs Another Home in 9th
Bon Appetit: A Four-Out Save is a Dish Best Served Hot
Where the Rubber Game Meets the Road: Tito Plays to Win
Photo Gallery: Take Another Look
Bonfire in the Bronx
(AP Photo) |
"These are the things that you dream about, coming to Yankee Stadium in a hostile environment and taking the series here. �Our whole pitching staff, we went out and battled our hearts out, and it paid off." -- 5.11.06, Jonathan Papelbon, 13-for-13 in saves
The Battle in the Bronx Was a Four-Hour Marathon...
Hopefully Typical Fan Jack Welch Was Able to Stay Up Until the End
Coco Kidney Stones?
"My moles tell me that Coco had kidney stones... I'll stand by that."
-- 5.12.06, WEEI's Jon Meterparel on Coco Crisp's setback
Schilling Back with Team After Medical Facility Visit
"It's nothing. I'm fine. It has nothing to do with baseball." -- 5.11.06, Curt Schilling after returning to Yankee Stadium after visiting a NY medical facility (5.12.06, WEEI's Gerry Callahan said he's hearing that Schilling went to a hospital to "visit a sick kid")