Fifth Starter Fiasco
Fifth Starter Fiasco
(AP Photo) |
Lenny DiNardo is No Poor Man's Bronson Arroyo
Lefty Can't Get Out of the Third Inning This Time
Sox Avoid Sweeping, Get Slammed 10-5
Youk, Lowell Go Deep in Losing Cause
The Z Team, Alvarez, Tavarez, Seanez, Gets an F
Wily Mo Muffs One
Shocker: Philly Not Impressed with Red Sox Nation
Inquirer: He Hate Tito
Wells Talks, Done Talking
The Sun Will Come Up, The Sun Will Go Down, Lou Gorman Will Have Lunch, and
David Wells Will Put His Foot in His Mouth, Come Undone, and Have to Clear the Air
'' 'I wasn't accusing him [David Dellucci], or anything of the sort. So the [expletive] who did it, or the [expletives] who did it, I think they need to [expletive]. And you can quote me on that. [Expletives].
''...I tried calling him [yesterday], to clear the air with him, because that's just bad penmanship on their part. That's just [expletive], trying to spark up something, trying to get me in trouble again. I like talking to reporters, but not anymore. I'm done with them. Today's the last day. You guys get the last hurrah." -- 5.21.06, David Wells, Red Sox Pitcher