The Windbreaker
The Windbreaker
(Getty Images Photo / Jim McIsaac) |
Ortiz's Big Pop Helps Sox Blow Past Yanks 7-3
Papi Breaks Wind, Sox Smell Victory
Wake Gets His Battery Charged as Doug Flies Back Into Fenway
No Diving? Loretta Won't Stop Two-Run Single But Knocks in Winner
A Little Run Support: Cora, Youk Get Sox on the Comeback Trail
Mike Myers Turns the Savage Boos to Cheers with One Pitch
Gone with the Wind: Papelbon Blows Yanks Away in the Ninth
�I�m a strong guy. I swing hard all the time in case I hit it. What else can you do about the crazy winds coming into Fenway at this time? You had to have really good contact to hit it out.� -- 5.1.06, David Ortiz on the insurance policy pop