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Nolan Haren Dominates Get-Away Gang for Seven Innings
Sox Had Their Bags Packed, But Couldn't Get On the Bags All Day
Five Inning Shadow: Snyder Comes Undone Again and Could Be Finished
Not Toast Yet: Thomas Can Still Bring the Hurt and the Pain
The Game Was Over But Van Buren and Hansen Finished Fine
Who Else Dad? Coco Drives in Boston's Only Run
"If we keep it in the park, it's a different ballgame. Two big blasts. When [Frank Thomas] gets his arms extended, he's a strong guy." -- 7.26.06, Terry Francona, Captain Obvious
Extra Bases: Gabbard Gone; Lowell Foulke Festival
The Buzz: Linebrink, Burrell, Lugo Rumors
Eric Wilbur: Rocket Relaunch on Tap... Again?