Home Invasion
Home Invasion
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Crawford, Rays Pull a Fast One
Is the Sky Falling in the Dome?
Flop in the Trop: Sox Drop Third Straight, 5-2
Also-Ran? The Immortal Tim Corcoran Runs Through Sox Lineup
Pleading the 5th Starter: Johnson Makes Clement Look Like Pedro
When the Heat Is Off, Julian Tavarez Becomes a Flamethrower
Youkidding Me? The First Baseman is in a Batting Slump
And the Center Fielder is Hitting .261 with 3 HR, 13 RBI
'Tek Goes Deep But His Average (.244) Has Taken a Dive Too
"I said it's going to be do or die. I'm going to take this chance right here. If I'm out, I'm out. If I'm safe, everybody will be happy about it." -- 7.5.06, Carl Crawford on his home run