The Crying Game

The Crying Game

Julian 'The Talkin' Man' Tavarez and Nomar Youkilis Let The Tears Flow

“I hear the cheers [and] I don’t tip my hat [because] I'm not happy about way I'm treated… like Rudy Seanez, myself, I wish they knew how tough it is for us when we leave here [Fenway], we don’t want a face-to-face thing, we don’t want to eat here, we’re embarrassed… I’ve never been in a place, a city that does things like that, we were six games up and they’re booing … if a player is telling you they don’t hear the boos, they’re lying to you.” -- 9.5.06, Julian Tavarez whining more on Tuesday's Red Sox pregame show

Boston Dirt Dog: Yes Suri, He's Being a Baby

(Reuters Photo / Annie Leibovitz exclusively for Vanity Fair / BDD Illustration)

Boo Hoo: Youk Gotta Be Kidding Me

Youk Wants You to Be a Fanboy Through Thick and Thin Skin
... Sounds Like He'd Love It in Kansas City

" 'The way [fans] treat some people is just wrong. If you're going to be a loyal fan, be a loyal fan through thick and thin. There are some great fans out there, but there are some fans that I really, honestly believe, they listen to WEEI and that's their final opinion. I honestly think WEEI is what some people believe is what their [own] opinions are. Being a true fan is sticking by your [players] when they're struggling, not booing him when he's coming into a 2-2 game in the eighth inning... He [Julian Tavarez] had no reason to tip his hat to them, they've treated him bad all year. I was watching him every step and was saying to Mark [Loretta], 'Please do not tip your cap.' That's how I felt, for him. I was mad for him, because if he tips his cap here, he's giving in. And that's what the fans do, they give in... I'd rather have no one at the field than people booing me all day... Of course, fans' booing means they care, which is certainly better than apathy, right? Do they really care? They care about the team, but when they boo a specific individual, do they really care about that person? No. If you boo somebody, it's like you despise them.' " -- 9.6.06, Youkilis Irked by Testy Fans, Herald News

Eric Wilbur: Alive, But Not All Well

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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