It Was the Best of Times ...
It Was the Best of Times ...
(10.27.04 World Series Celebration -- AP Photo) |
" 'I don’t want to forget -- or have anybody else forget -- what he accomplished here,' Red Sox manager Terry Francona said late yesterday. 'It was phenomenal what he did here in 2004. I mean phenomenal. We don’t win anything without him.' " -- 11.11.06, Tony Massarotti, Boston Herald
It Was the Worst of Times ...
(5.26.06 Foulke Gets Into It with Fans -- Boston Globe Staff Photo / Barry Chin) |
That's All Foulke: Not a Happy Ending
Cantankerous Keith Gets Closure in Boston
Herald: Foulke Has It His Way
"Now Foulke is gone and here is the truly amazing thing: No one is shedding a tear. Not Foulke, not Epstein, not anyone who has watched the Red Sox over the past two seasons. That might all be considered sad were it not for the simple fact that Foulke brought so much of this upon himself." -- 11.11.06, Tony Massarotti, Boston Herald