November 1, 2006 | 11:49 AM
Was the 2006 Sox Lineup a Botched Joke?
Was the 2006 Sox Lineup
a 'Botched Joke' Too?
(10.31.04 AP Photo) |
At Least Theo Might Be Able to Make a Run For It All in 2008
No Apologies, But John-Gone Has More Advice for the Cranky GM
"You know Theo, $120 million payroll, if you make the most of it, you study players hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in third place in the American League East and sit around hoping Manny Ortez wins an MVP." -- John Kerry's advice to Theo Epstein this offseason
Guillermo Mota Suspended for Violating MLB's Drug Policy