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He's Coming Right at You
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Curt's Eliminating the Media Middle Man
Schilling on Blogging:
3.20.07, Curt Schilling on sports radio WEEI's Dennis and Callahan:
Schilling: ��When I feel like it, I knock it out. And I can type somewhat fast so it doesn�t take me nearly as long as some people might think. Partially (does it to answer all the questions that come his way), sure. I think there�s a level of unhappiness with the way sports media conducts itself. There are a lot of people that just suck at what they do. And as athletes, you pay the price for people like that and� a lot of different reasons (why he blogs), no one reason. But one of the things I thought was great was that the other day, I had written that lengthy post about my contract situation and the next day in The Boston Globe, there�s an article about my contract situation that just quoted the blog and I didn�t have to do anything for that.�
Q: So you kind of eliminate the middle man?
Schilling: �Not kinda, you do. You do. And that�s not a bad thing in a lot of cases. So, it�s been something� I wasn�t ready for the amount of traffic and the number of people. To have gotten over a half million people in 11 days was somewhat staggering to me� We don�t have to plug it (38pitches.com), it is what it is.
Q: You said half a million?
Schilling: �Yeah, 11 days.�
Q (Callahan): So how do you think they find out about it? They find out about it through those media people who suck. They�re the ones spreading the word�
Schilling: �No, no actually they don�t. They found out about it online, most of them. Boston Dirt Dogs. Yeah� the beauty of it is, it is what you make it. It�s an easy forum, and it�s a cool way to do the Q&A thing which is something I don�t mind doing every now and then.�