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Schilling Takes His Game Online:
We Have a Feeling He'll Update His Site More Than Manny Does
"...I don�t know that I�ll be changing my style, but I do know that getting ripped for something I say here will be getting ripped for something I actually said�with the entire contents of my comments included.
"That�s not to say I�ll be preaching from the pulpit�far from it. Being a major league baseball player does not give me keen insight into politics, education, or anything else for that matter. It does give me insight and knowledge about baseball, about being part of a team, about excelling at something not many people can. Beyond that my thoughts and beliefs are my own and for the most part pretty normal.
"The truth is, I�ve been wrong as many times, if not more, than I�ve been right in my life. I guess that�s part of the human package, something that makes me every bit as prone to mistakes as anyone. Like every other male on the planet I think I�m well informed on a lot of things, which usually lasts until I run into someone else who thinks he�s well informed but has a different opinion.
"Fortunately, I have zero problems being wrong. I don�t intend to make mistakes but it happens, which is part of the learning curve of life. I�m prone to having quick reactions which, in the world of baseball and media coverage�even when you might be right�can make you wrong." -- 3.7.07, Curt Schilling,
Wake, Papelbon Look Strong in Mr. Rogers Neighborhood