He's Quite the Patch
He's Quite the Patch
(BDD / Frank Galasso Illustration) |
The World's Most Expensive Repair
May Not Be Enough to Save NY from Despair
Gammons: Simply, Yankees Had the Cash
Eric Wilbur: Dollars, No Sense
Schilling: Clemens and Us?
"I would have loved to have him [Clemens], I said so, but the second he chose the Yankees it became a non-factor. This game is hard enough worrying about the things you can control much less the things you can�t. We have a very very good team. I think we have the best staff in the game right now. Can that change? Sure it can but no one here can tell us how when and why it will change. Maybe it won�t. Bottom line is if you are in our clubhouse wishing we had Clemens you are basically telling a teammate you suit up with every day that we�re better off without you. I�ve made that mistake in the past and refused to do it again. CHB can sob all he wants, Rocket coming here gave him something legitimate to actually write about for the next 4 months. Now he can stick to the bitter style he�s perfected and talk about how bad we suck because we failed to get Rocket." -- 5.7.07, Curt Schilling, 38Pitches.com