The Anti-Clemens
The Anti-Clemens
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Barry Chin) |
No Waiting Weeks to Speak, No Rusty Lawyers, No Released Statements, No Legal Strategies, No Conflicting Accounts,
No Mike Wallace Lap Dances, No Botched Phone Stings
Just an Immediate, Look-the-World-in-the-Eye Denial
Moss: 'Allegations Are False'
"It's unfair to athletes if a person makes a false claim. You know, there is nothing we can do. The only thing we can do is either pay up or sit back and listen to what's been said or what's being written. I can honestly say ... for someone to make a false claim about me, I'm kind of furious. It kind of hurts me deep inside for someone to do something like that, because I've always said time and time again that I am going to stand up for what's right. If I'm right, I'm right. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong." -- Randy Moss, coming clean right away