Rock 'Em Sock 'Em
Red Sox Roll

Coco Crisp, right, takes a swing at Tampa Bay Rays pitcher James Shields after Crisp was hit by a pitch and charged the mound in the second inning of a baseball game
(AP Photo)

The Sox and Rays Go At It, Again
Coco Charges the Mound After Shields Goes Thigh Hunting

"I charged the mound. I feigned it like I was going to go to first base, just to get Navarro off me a little bit, and just charged the mound,� Crisp said. �He tried to hit me with a haymaker. He missed. I threw a punch. I pretty much missed. And the rest, went down to the ground� like the scratches on my face were people trying to scratch like we were playing football or something, like little girls, trying to scratch out my eyes. I move one hand down, scratch me right here [points to scratch to the right of his nose]. �

�After that, people were trying to pull my hair like little girls. Instead of throwing some real punches or something like that..." -- 6.5.08, Coco Crisp, to reporters after the brawl game

BDD / Don't Mess with the Zohan
(BDD Photo Illustration / Richard Goldrich)

Surviving Grady: Check Out the Brawl and Dust-up Video Here

Manny charges Youk in the dugout after the fourth inning
(BDD / NESN screen image)

That's Just Manny Being Bananas
Youk and Ram Have Words in the Dugout
Manny Throws a Backhand Swipe, Then Shoves Youk Down ...
But Should ManRam Have Been Shoving Gomes Earlier?
Is Manny Just a Lover, Not a Fighter?

You Gotta Keep 'Em Separated

Manny has to be restrained from going after Youk
(BDD / NESN Screen Image)

"I think they were just exchanging some views on things. It was kind of a hectic night. Sometimes those things happen. It wasn't really a big deal; it won't be a big deal." -- 6.5.08, Tito Being Tito, trying to downplay the Manny-Youk altercation

Gomes, Sweet Gomes ...

Tampa Bay Rays DH Jonny Gomes cocks his arm as Rays catcher Dioner Navarro  holds Red Sox center fielder Coco Crisp on the ground and in a head lock during the second inning.
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / John Bohn)

Chickens Will Come Gomes to Roost
For You Too, Carl Crawford

Thursday Night Box: Boston 7, Tampa Bay 1
Oh, And the Sox Swept the Rays
Oh, And Manny Also Drove in 5 Runs Besides the Run-in
Oh, and He Might Be Hurting, Too
Oh, and Ellsbury Sprained His Wrist

"You have to ask them [Manny and Youkilis about the altercation]. I was eating next to Youkilis and said I don't want to know. I saw Manny. He was speaking in Spanish." -- 6.5.08, the new talkin', fightin' Coco Crisp... so much more fun than the surly, silent Crisp of the last two years

Oh, And the Celtics Had a Game Tonight ...

Paul Pierce  on the floor after getting hurt in the third quarter. Boston Celtics play against Los Angeles Lakers in NBA Finals on Thursday, June 5th, 2008 at TD Banknorth Garden
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis)

Watchoo Talkin' 'Bout, Willis?
He Shall Return

Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics returns to the court after being taken off in a wheelchair in the third quarter of Game One of the 2008 NBA Finals against the Los Angeles Lakers on June 5, 2008 at TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts
(Getty Images Photo / Kevin C. Cox)

Pierce Comes Back to Lead Celtics Past Lakers 98-88
in Game 1 of the NBA Finals in Boston

"When I got in the back I could put some weight on it, I knew I needed to be out there for my team." -- 6.5.08, Paul Pierce... becoming a legend in Boston before our eyes

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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