Rock 'Em Sock 'Em
Red Sox Roll
Red Sox Roll
The Sox and Rays Go At It, Again
Coco Charges the Mound After Shields Goes Thigh Hunting
"I charged the mound. I feigned it like I was going to go to first base, just to get Navarro off me a little bit, and just charged the mound,� Crisp said. �He tried to hit me with a haymaker. He missed. I threw a punch. I pretty much missed. And the rest, went down to the ground� like the scratches on my face were people trying to scratch like we were playing football or something, like little girls, trying to scratch out my eyes. I move one hand down, scratch me right here [points to scratch to the right of his nose]. �
�After that, people were trying to pull my hair like little girls. Instead of throwing some real punches or something like that..." -- 6.5.08, Coco Crisp, to reporters after the brawl game