Palin Is Ready to
Pitch In for Sox

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and presumptive Republican vice-presidential nominee Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin greet the crowd during a rally August 31, 2008 in O'Fallon, Missouri. The GOP has announced it will suspend most of Monday's Republican National Committee activities in Saint Paul
(Whitney Curtis / Getty Images - BDD Photo Illustration)

Sarah Barracuda Is Ready, Willing, and Able to Take
Josh Beckett's Turn in Texas on Friday

BDD has learned that Republican vice-presidential candidate Alaska Governor former high school basketball star University of Idaho graduate Miss Wasilla and Miss Alaska runner-up government reformer avid caribou hunter gun-toting sharp shooter fisherwoman sportscaster mother of Track, Bristol, Piper, Willow, and Trig New York Times crossword puzzle queen and soon-to-be grandmother super cougar hockey mom Sarah Barracuda Palin has agreed to take Josh Beckett's spot in the Red Sox starting rotation if the DL'd Boston ace can't take the mound against the Rangers Friday night in Arlington Texas. Developing ...

"I eat breakfast 90 miles from Russia and snack on big oil companies for lunch, so don't think for one second that pitching inside to Milton Bradley and the Texas Rangers is going to make me nervous. Give me the ball if Beckett can't go." -- 9.2.08, Sarah Palin's overheard thoughts at the Republican convention ...

BDD is a feature of All posts are by Steve Silva unless otherwise indicated.

Boston Globe:

Rodriguez looks like the steal deal > Despite effort by Rodriguez, Red So fall > Tazawa has come a long way, on and off field

Boston Herald:

Lauber: Eduardo Rodriguez showing Red Sox he's special > PawSox start looms large for Masterson


Rodriguez gem wasted > Chili Davis doesn't want to turn Red Sox into free-swingers > Red Sox draft catcher in third round

NY Post:

How Mariano Rivera has influenced Yankees' top pick > Why starting rotation could be a big Yankees' strength

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The "Curt�s Pitch for ALS" program is a joint effort by Curt and Shonda Schilling and The ALS Association Mass Chapter to strike out Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig�s Disease.

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