The In Crowd

There's Only One Soxtober.
The Defending Champs Will Defend Their Title.
Tuesday Box Score: Boston 5, Cleveland 4
Globe: Happy Berth Day, The Boston Red Sox Are Heading to the Playoffs
Sox Don't Fall Off Cliff, Wake Outpitches Lee
Who Else? Dustin Pedroia Comes Through to Seal the Deal
You'll Play in October Jason Bay, You're Not in Pittsburgh Anymore
Youk Goes Long for Two Large Runs
Oki Gets the Bases-Loaded Out, Pap Gets the Big 4-Out Save
Toned-Down Celebration Photos
"We're dangerous in the playoffs. Everybody knows that... I think we're going to be fine." -- 9.23.08, Mr. October David Ortiz
Yet Another Yankee Elimination Party

Gaetti's Number Is Up