R.I.P. '09 Celtics
Looks Like KG Is Done... So Are the Celtics.
For the Rest of the Spring, It's Called Bruins.
Let's Be Serious, Without KG, The C's Have No Shot
Set Your DVR for Lakers-Cavs, Kobe vs. LeBron, in the NBA Finals
Wyc Sees '2004 Pistons' in the Watered-Down Celts,
Because He Still Needs to Sell Big Tickets in Boston
We'll Always Have Banner No. 17. Sincerely, Sportstown USA
Coach Doc Rivers on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan Show this morning: "This is the first time I've said it, because it's the first time I've really watched him. He's not gonna be ready. After watching him run, there's no way. So, we're gonna move without him. And the way I saw him move today guys, I don't know if he'll be ready... he's just limping. He just can't run. And he had... this was an honest run today, you couldn't fake your way through it.... and the guy is a warrior, you can see him trying to mask it, but after 20 minutes of running, there's just no way...
I don't see it. I just don't. And I've flipped completely because I was watching him move, and he looked great, and then, I just... after today, there's no way he can play... Eddie's (Trainer Eddie Lacerte) doing everything he can to get him on the court. Kevin's gone beyond that, but at this point after going through all the rehab, and looking so good last week, and even, he was running last week, and it looked like he was running pretty well, to where he's at today, if he can't get through biking and working out without swelling and stiffness and his leg locking, I just don't know how you play in the playoffs."