Snap, Crackle, and Papi

Our Long National Nightmare Is Over,
David Ortiz Hits Home Run No. 1
Globe: Blast from the Past | Boston 8, Toronto 3
Is Brad Penny Going to Steal 20 Wins for This Team?
J-Bay's Home Run Is Just About to Land on Lansdowne
On-the-Back-9 Boys: Lowell and Varitek with 7 Homers Each? We'll Take It
Also off the Schneid: Rocco Baldelli Hits His First Triple of the Season
In the Big Inning: 4 Homers for the First Time Since April 2007
KY Is Back, And He's Now Batting .404 to Lead the American League
Biggest Surprise of the Night? Record-Tying Jacoby Ellsbury Drew a Walk
Why Isn't Bard Knocking Down K's Up Here?
The Large Father's Father Knows Best: "[He] told me, 'Hey, son, it's not going to get worse than this so go out there, have fun and forget about what happened.'"-- David Ortiz on his dad's advice
Cowboy Kevin's One of a Kind

It's Good to Have Millar Back in Town
"Once you're part of the Nation, it's always a piece of you." -- 5.20.09, old friend Kevin Millar on WEEI's Dennis & Callahan Show
''These were the greatest three years of my entire life playing baseball. Playing for the Red Sox, playing for Boston, that city, those fans. And that's 100 percent from my heart.
''It's sad, of course. I don't think there is anyone that did more laughing, more winning, more competing than this team, and who would believe that it is over.
''I don't think people will realize until these guys are gone what they were like, a good group from 1-to-25 that knew how to win on a daily basis." -- 12.8.05, former Red Sox first baseman and World Series Champion Kevin Millar
Millar's the Guy to Say Hello To in a Restaurant, Sincerely, Keith Foulke