Were Duke's Teams Dirty?

Former Sox Infielder Lou Merloni Says the Red Sox,
Under the Previous Regime (Led By Dan Duquette)
Called a Meeting To Have a Doctor Speak to Players
About the Right Way to Use Steroids
Mystery Doc: 'If you're going to take steroids, one cycle won't hurt you...'
Sat. May 9, 2009, Lou Merloni, who did not specify the year the meeting with the doctor took place, on Comcast SportsNet's The Baseball Show: "I'm in spring training, and I got an 8:30-9:00 meeting in the morning. I walk into that office, and this happened while I was with the Boston Red Sox before this last regime, I'm sitting in the meeting. There's a doctor up there and he's talking about steroids, and everyone was like 'here we go, we're gonna sit here and get the whole thing -- they're bad for you.' No. He spins it and says 'you know what, if you take steroids and sit on the couch all winter long, you can actually get stronger than someone who works out clean, if you're going to take steroids, one cycle won't hurt you, abusing it will.' He sat there for one hour and told us how to properly use steroids while I'm with the Boston Red Sox, sitting there with the rest of the organization, and after this I said 'what the heck was that?' And everybody on the team was like 'what was that?' And the response we got was 'well, we know guys are taking it, so we want to make sure they're taking it the right way'... Where did that come from? That didn't come from the Players Association... well the organization put this meeting together is what I'm saying."
Did Duke's Doc Get Manny Started?
Merloni Didn't Mention the Year the Doc Addressed the Sox
But Things That Make You Go Hmmm... Dan Duquette's 2001 Boston Red Sox...
featuring infielder Lou Merloni... and newly-signed superstar Manny Ramirez
Discuss Merloni's Comments on the Sox Steroids Counseling
Duke 4.14.09: 'The General Manager is Not Father Flanagan'
"The General Manager is not Father Flanagan, and this isn't Boys Town. In professional sports, the General Manager is paid to put the best ball club he can on the field ... if you don't have a testing program that has some teeth in it, with some penalties, you really don't have anything in terms of legislating fairness on the field. You can't tell who's using and who's not using." -- 4.14.09, Dan Duquette
Eagle: Duquette Reacts to Manny's suspension
"If you look at his [Manny's] production with the Dodgers, it's significantly better than when he was with the Red Sox � significantly better. That would be a hint that he may have utilized performance-enhancing drugs." -- 5.8.09, Dan Duquette in The Berkshire Eagle
Duquette vs. Merloni:
Duke Denies Doc Talked 'Roids with Players
Now Merloni Can't Remember The Year or The Doctor...
But He Remembers the Time of Day the Meeting Took Place
... Hmmm, Really? Really?
"It's ridiculous. It's totally unfounded. Who was the doctor? Tell me who the doctor is." -- 5.11.09, Dan Duquette Denial in Boston Globe
Book: Dan Duquette�s Quip Fueled Roger Clemens� �Roid Rage
Back in LA, They Continue to Embarrass Themselves