A New Lease on Life

... And It's Good to Touch, the Green Green Grass of Home
Sox Tame Tigers, Skid Over | Boston 6, Detroit 5
Breaking News: Red Sox Score... and They Won, Too
Just in the Nick of Time, Green Gets His Game Back in Boston
Made in Boston: Sox Manufacture Winning Run on Singles, Sac Fly
It's Official: Michael Weiner Says It's OK to Say Ortiz Singled Last Night
Even Though Joe Morgan Said He Couldn't Lead This Team, Pedroia Homers Anyway
Let the Jason Bay Drive for a Big, Fat New Contract Begin
Penny a Non-Factor, But Papelbon's Four Outs Came at a Good Time
V-Mart Pays Homage to Jason Varitek By Going 0-for-5 in Fenway Debut
Is Casey Kotchman the Real Steal?
"We desperately needed to find a way to win a game, and we did." -- Tito, whose worst week ever is over
Pandemonium for Big Papi at Fenway! ...

... Not Exactly. Outside of These Two Plants, You Could Hear a Needle Drop When David Stepped to the Plate Last Night
Daily News: After Feasting on A-Rod Coverage, ESPN Offers Little on David Ortiz
Despite All the Papi-ganda By MLB, MLBPA, the Red Sox, ESPN, and NESN
And Contrary to What Some Misguided Media Types Would Have You Believe,
Truth Is, Only a Lowly 30 Percent of Red Sox Fans Believe David Ortiz
Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan Show this morning: "This is the roadmap, the next name leaks out, the next player knows what to do. It's the Ortiz defense, There's no need for anybody to fall on their sword the way Alex Rodriguez did... he [A-Rod] feels liberated, he's a much freer person now... no regrets on his part."
"I'm not even sure what that [careless use of vitamins and supplements] means? What does that mean 'careless use of over-the-counter vitamins and supplements'? ... If he came out and said that was the case [that Ortiz used androstenedione] then it would be more believable. It sounds like this is the life raft that he's clinging to, that the union gave him. ... I would have felt much better if the day he was confronted, he said, 'Listen, I don't know what's in those results, but I guarantee you I never used steroids.' Why did it take 10 days to say that? Your reputation and your career is on the line at that point and you don't say you never took steroids until 10 days later when you have a union rep sitting next to you? I do have a problem with that because if that is in fact true, why didn't you offer that up Day 1, first minute? "

The Investigation Continues ...