Fenway Goes Wild

... Not So Much.
A Bunch of Tired, Hungry Media Guys Waiting to Talk to Jason Bay
at 1:00 in the Morning Isn't Exactly Jonathan Papelbon Dancing Around the Infield
With a Bud Light Box on His Head
Rally Falls Short, Sox Lose 5th Straight | Wild Card Warriors 7, Toronto Stayed Tough 8
Tip of the Cap to Youk, Ortiz, and Drew for Coming Through for the Rally
A Fan-tastic Comeback Ruined on a Called Third Strike
Hey J.P., Can We Borrow Adam Lind for the Playoffs?
And Thanks for Ruining the Party Kevin Millar
"I like our chances. It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you're in." -- Dustin Pedroia... firing up the troops... sort of...

And If They Get That Clay Buchholz in the Postseason
They're Done