Zack Attack Kills Sox

Cy of Relief for Tito, He Doesn't Have to Pretend to
Care About the Division Anymore
Greinke Handcuffs Sox | KCy 5, Wild Card Champions 1
In the Big Inning, the Game Was Over When KC Scored Five Runs
Good Thing The Sox Won't Face Any Tough Pitching in the Playoffs...
2 Hits: Guess Congratulations Are in Order for V-Mart (21 streak) and Dustin (14)
The Wild Swings of Jason Bay: From HR/RBI King to Whiffmaster Supreme
Bright Side: Game Over in 2:31... Or After the 1st Inning
"I�m frustrated, I�m not going to get any sleep. I thought I had great stuff tonight. I just overthrew a little bit in the first inning, just couldn�t get the outs. Against Greinke, you don�t want to be down, 5-0. It just deflates the team. Real frustrated with myself. I�m glad I came back and threw some innings and helped the bullpen out, but I�m not really here to eat innings. That�s not my job." -- Former Royal Paul Byrd, embarrassing any leftover members from The Byrd's Nest with his start