This Just In ...
More Shortstop Tryout Party Crashers at Fenway
Now Introducing Michaele and Tareq Salahi
Theo Is Thinking Outside the Box Again!
Forget Moving Pedroia to Short, Theo Is Seeing Reality Stars ...
We Support Any Stunt That Will Wake This Dull-Ass Team. Sincerely, Red Sox Nation
Anything to Sell More Overpriced Seats in America's Most Becramped Ballpark
. Sincerely, Whiny John Henry... No Upper Deck!... Waaahhhhh!
Hey John, If You Started Building a New Park in 2002,
Real Fans Would Sitting in $40 Seats by Now
Reading More Between John Henry's E-Mailed Lines:
Don't Look for the Sox to Spend Any Cash on Free Agents This Offseason
Mazz: Switching Pedroia? It Stops Short
More on Pedroia to Short | Chad Finn: More Short Hops
More Band-Aids on Axe Wounds: Sox Interested in Bobby Crosby, Mark DeRosa
Photos: The SS Mess Since Nomar | They Changed Positions
BDD has obtained the e-mails that confirm Theo invited the Salahis to Fenway to Try Out at Shortstop ...
From: Tareq AmericasPoloClub
To: Epstein, Theo SVP GM
Sent: Tue Dec 1 01:03:26 2009
Subject: THANK YOU!!!
Hi Theo,
You are an Angel!
We ended up flying to Boston and checked into the Sheraton, just in case you still wanted us to try out for the shortstop position for your team, and our name was indeed on the list! :-) We are very grateful, and God Bless you.
Looking forward to seeing you on the field very soon!
With Love,
Tareq & Michaele Salahi
From: Epstein, Theo SVP GM
Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2009 8:38 PM
To: Tareq AmericasPoloCup
Subject: THANK YOU!!!
You are most welcome! I hear the smile in your email and am delighted that you and Michaele will try out for our open shortstop position.
This will be great publicity for our team, which has fallen off the Boston sports radar!
Have a wonderful flight and I look forward to seeing you both with gloves on.
Much love,