September 27, 2010 | 05:20 AM
Kids and The Hall Finally Fall

(Mike Stobe / Getty Images)
It Could Have Been the Night of the Living Dead
But It's the Yankees Who Steal the Win
Boston 3, New York 4 | Bullpen Blows Another Win
If Bard Was Your Closer, We'd Be Talking About an Historic Win Today
Instead We Get the Shell of Jonathan Papelbon Blaming the Ump
Those Were Some Big Stolen Bases Right There. Sincerely, Dave Roberts
The A-Rod Homer on 0-2 Pitch Wasn't Even the Back Breaker
Bill Hall Keeps Trying to Do It All
That's Just Okajima Being Okajima
Hat Tips to Dice-Kalish
"I think we came in and showed what kind character this team has. We're going to try to win out." -- Bill Hall... tried to do it all

(BDD Photo Illustration / Garmin Photo)
Still No Sightings of the Red Sox on the Boston Sports Radar

(BDD / James MacLeod Cartoons)