Pressure's On Papelbon

They'll Be No Closer Controversy in Boston Just Yet
Theo Bails on The Bold Bard Move, Just Happy to Have Jenks, and
Names the No-Longer-Dominant Jonathan Papelbon as The Closer
If the Blackberry Don't Ring, That's Jonathan Papelbon Returning
His General Manager's Phone Calls on the Other End
Coming This Summer After Pocket Change and Before Best of NESN Daily:
'Theo Epstein Builds a Solid Top-to-Bottom Bullpen... Take 12'
Wish I Had Known You Were Getting Jenks, Too. Sincerely, Mariano Rivera
Most Anticipated Ft. Myers Arrival? Crawford? Gonzo? ... Mr. Papelbon
Closer-by-Committee, Anyone?
"Pap I'm sure is fine with this. Who wouldn't want guys like this pitching alongside of them in the bullpen? Pap kind of disappears in the offseason and does his own thing and shows up ready to go in spring training and in great shape like always." -- Theo Epstein, absolutely, positively sure that everything is just hunky-dory with his closer

"It was just a bad year. Things didn't fall into place. Seemed like every broken bat hit just fell into the right spot. ... It was really frustrating Really, the ball just didn't go my way sometimes." -- Jonathan Papelbon? Could be, but no, Bobby Jenks, 12.21.10