Even Keel

They're Making a Fortune and They're Playing .500
Boston 7, Team in Turmoil 5 | Sox get even with sweep in the Bronx
Crawford still shaky in left, back to slumping at the plate
Youk can do it. 3-run bomb by Kevin brings Sox back
Hug it out again. Papi goes deep into the night
Pap ties shoes before giving Yanks the boot
Salty HR? Sweet!
"It's nice to be .500, but we're not a ballclub that's playing to get to .500." -- Salty
"I tried to ruin another good offensive night." -- Jon Lester... not his finest three hours
Sox on a Roll, Yankees Not So Much

"We've come a long way since 0-6." -- Kevin Youkilis... ain't that the truth
Let's Hug It Out: Big Papi Lookin' for Love in All the Wrong Places