Roger Dodger
From Misremember to a Mistrial ...
Clemens in the Clear, Case Closed
Shaughnessy: The Biggest Win of Clemens's Career
Feds Use Banned Testimony to Prove Roger Used Banned Substances
Judge Says Prosecution Flub Not a Mistake a Rookie Would Make
This Just In: Roger Thinks This Means We Think He's Innocent
BDD Archives: Rusty and Roger Go to Washington to Lie to Congress
Rocket Meltdown | Screws Tighten on the 'Baseball Titan' | Plan B-12
Andy Pettitte as Miss Remembered | 2007: First Come the Denials
Photos: Redesigned Roger: Launching Some Shots at the Rocket
Clemens signs ball for fan outside the courthouse...
Clemens: "Are you a fan?"
Fan: "Yes, I am. I'm from Boston. God bless you Roger, thank you."