Crawful Ending

And It's All Over in Baltimore
The Shock Heard 'Round the World
$161M Can't Win No. 162
Papelblown in the Ninth, Crawford Seals the Defeat
From Bucky Dent to Buck's Dent, an Historic Red Sox Loss
Manny Would Definitely Have Caught It. Sincerely, Manny Ramirez
Big Papi's a Rap Star and Just Launched a Campaign for Pop Chips, So It's All Good
Good Thing Those April Losses Didn't Matter. Sincerely, It's a Long Season
Good News: We Can Watch Adrian Beltre and Victor Martinez Play On
No One Will Ever Remember Crawford for the 8th Inning Double
Papelbon Just Lost About $10 Million Per Year with Next Team
Grady Little Is Breathing Easier Tonight for Some Reason
This Could Be Heidi's Last Day in a Red Sox Uniform
Can We Pay Aceves with Lackey's Money?
Adding Insult to Injuries: So Long J.D.
Scu - ucS - Scutaro
Francona postgame: "We're not very happy right now. We're going to have to live with that one. ... We needed to take care of business today and we didn't. ... Every time you lose, it hurts. When you go home before you're ready, it hurts. As tough as it's been this past month, we weren't ready to go home. You want to go home when you dictate, not when someone makes you. It's extremely disappointing... I guess I regret we got ourselves in this situation."
On the blown save by Papelbon: "We didn't extend the lead and if you make a mistake it can cost you a game and that's what happened. He's been there for us so many times, I'd give him the ball again. It just didn't work."
On Crawford not making the catch: "I hoped he had a chance, He gave it his best shot, it just didn't work." -- Terry Francona after one of the worst losses in Red Sox history
Pap Faces the Music After Mother of All Blown Saves
"What do you expect my reaction to be. We just lost... how am I supposed to answer that? [What are you feeling? Disappointment, frustration, sadness, shock]. Yea, all of the above ... it's just a classic [after the first two outs]... I was pumped up to be in that situation. Those are situations that I enjoy and just overthrowing the ball, not focusing on location, not really focusing on location and ... it boils down to pretty much, just not executing. I felt great. I felt great all year. ... For me to sit here and say fatigue was an issue would be looking for excuses. And I'm not looking for excuses and everybody's fatigued, you play 162 ballgames, I don't care who you are, you're going to be fatigued, but that's not the issue here." -- Jonathan Papelbon, Red Sox closer
A-Gon Blames God, Injuries for the Loss
"I'm a firm believer that God has a plan and it wasn't in his plan for us to move forward. God didn't have it in the cards for us... For me, I'm a firm believer in God and God has a plan and it wasn't in God's plan for us to be in the playoffs... It''s always injuries. Any team that doesn't make the playoffs and is supposed to, it's because of injuries. Plain and simple... there's no such thing as a bad stretch of games. Every game is an individual game." -- Adrian 'Stepford Wife' Gonzalez... Did Theo have the detectives follow this guy around at all, or were they too busy giving the thumbs up on Crawford?
Scutaro Blames Sox Fans at Fenway South for His Confusion
"I heard the screaming, but I don't know if it was their crowd or our crowd, so I don't know if he made the play or not." -- Marco Scutaro via ProJo ... Tim Bogar approves this message
Those Were The Days My Friend ...

Maybe the 'Most Unlikable Team Ever' ...

And Add 'The Curse of Andino' Via the Twittersphere
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