September 27, 2011 | 08:57 PM
Take Lavarnway Home

And the September Callup Filling in at Catcher Shall Lead Them
Lavarnway Plates 4 Big Ones, Sox Win Must-Win, 8-7
Scutaro Steps Up and Homers at Fenway South
Ho Hum, MV Jacoby Belts No. 32 to Get It Going
Aceves Masterful Again, Pap Saves the Win
Yankees Roll Over for Rays
"That was exciting. Besides what he did offensively, I thought he ran the game, I thought he had a lot of poise. That was one of the more exciting things to watch. We�ve seen a lot of interesting things here over the years. That was right near the top." -- Terry Francona on Hall of Famer Ryan Lavarnway ... Will Tito be the cooler and put Shaky Salty back in Wednesday?