Curt Shelling
Curt Shelling
(Getty Images Photo / Nick Laham) |
Long Balls Make for Short Night
As Schilling Gets Shellacked
Cutter = Homer, Fastball = Homer, Changeup = Homer
Game Over After 5 as Yanks Bounce Back 7-3
A-Rod, Posada, and Juice Guy Take No. 1 Deep
Papi Drops One Up Top, But Fast Start Wasted
NY in Early Trouble: All-Star Mike Hits a DoubleDouble
Loaded for Bear in Third, But Captain Can't Deliver in Clutch
There's a Proctor in the House: Manny Folds Like a Cheap Suit in 7th
Willie Useless: Tito Plays It By Old Numbers
Wily Mo Might Have Made a Difference
Gallery: Take a Look at the Loss
"He [Schilling] made some brutal pitches, and he just didn't get away with them." -- 5.9.06, Honest Eck
Roger That Eck. Enough is Enough.
"Don't fake pump me. I don't want to hear about your kids. I'm sick of it. I don't want to hear about it anymore." -- 5.9.06, Dennis Eckersley on this tiresome Clemens money grab travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham
Is Comar Crisp Ever Going to Play for the Red Sox?
"[There's] no target date right now." -- 5.9.06, Former Red Sox Co-General Manager Jed Hoyer (NESN commercial: "Did you see that catch Coco made?" NO, BECAUSE HE HASN'T PLAYED ALL SEASON!)
"In the fifth game of the season, Coco Crisp broke a knuckle sliding awkwardly into third after getting picked off second in a fairly meaningless situation by the Orioles' Bruce Chen. Crisp has missed 27 games and may well miss more games in his first two months with the Red Sox than Johnny Damon missed in four years (50)." -- 5.9.06, Kevin Hench,