New York State of Mind
Entering Lowell: Start Doing It on Your All-Star Ballots
Damon Still Bothered By 'Vicious' Reception from Ungrateful Fenway
NY Post: 'Tony Francona' and Ortiz Fire Back on Brushback Mountain
" 'What do you mean, 'Make him feel uncomfortable?' bristled Red Sox manager Tony Francona [sic]. 'Who says that? I've never had anybody ask me that question. Who? You?' " -- 5.9.06, Lenn Robbins, NY Post
New York State of Mind
I Read the NY News Today, Oh Boy!
Post: Boston Sox Unit, Yanks; E-Rod Always in Spotlight;
The Big Empty; Angry Boss Takes Shot at A-Rod
Daily News: Boss & Bosox Spank Yanks; Big Glare Finds Shadow of Unit; Once Again, the Choke's on Alex
Newsday: Jeers are Unit of Measure; Randy, Take an Intentional Walk;
A-Rod Target of Angry Boss
Maybe Sox Fans Should Break Out Their 'I'm Obsessed with the Yankees' Moronic T-Shirts and Start the Idiotic, Embarrassing Chant
Extra Bases: Manny Likely Playing, Harris in Center, Comar Crisp Has Setback
Eric Wilbur: Lightning A-Rod | Extra Bases: Roger's Kin Chimes In
Pinstripe Pounding: Game Photos | Crowd Shots