Lefty Groove

Lester Whiffs 10 Yanks in New Whiffle Ball Stadium
Bay Powers Sox Past Pinstriped Rivals
A Good First Impression: Boston 6, New York 4
Late at Night, Early in the Morning, Sox Domination Over Bombers Continues
Sorry Joe, Tim Bogar Is Not the Second Coming of Alex Pitch-Tipper Rodriguez
Last Sox Lefty to Strike Out at Least 10 Yanks in a Game Was Lefty Grove in 1936
In Room .222, Ortiz Is Double Trouble... And 2 2B's Is As Good As a Homer!
He's UnBaylievable!... 6 Homers for Lowell, and Jason Bay, Too
Hold On a Minute... Ramon Ramirez Gives Up a Rare Run
Mr. Leigh Bangs 2 Long Balls to Raise Ave. to .195
Papelbon a Bit Sharper in Save No. 7
"I don't know what his problem is. He just had something to say and I answered him back." -- Sox 1B coach Tim Bogar on Jumpy Joe Giriardi
Joba's Mom Has Something Goin On ...
Yankees Fans Told Game Canceled, Not Let Back Into Stadium