Wally's Out!

B D D E X C L U S I V E:
Lack of Interest and Slow Ticket Sales Force Sox to Lay Off Longtime Mascot Wally the Green Monster
Wally's Got to Get on Monster.com This Morning As the Red Sox Have
Shocked the Nation and Relieved No. 97 of His Duties at Fenway
This Is a Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham. Sincerely, Former Celtics Mascot Lucky
Boston Dirt Dogs has learned today that longtime Red Sox mascot Wally the Green Monster was relieved of his duties this morning. In a statement released to BDD, Sox owner John Henry said he was saddened by the decision but given today's continued uncertain economic climate, lack of buzz surrounding the 2010 team, and record low ticket sales, even among the Red Sox official scalping partners, the hard choice of cutting Wally's salary had to be made. Sox GM Theo Epstein reportedly fought to keep Wally on the roster but was overruled by team president Larry Lucchino, who sources say accused Wally of leaking team secrets to the press over the last 12 years. Lucchino plans to fill in for Wally, greeting fans at the gate and dancing on the dugout in the seventh inning, on an interim basis.
The fate of Lefty and Righty, the alternate mascots introduced by Dr. Charles Steinberg in 2003, was unknown at the time of this report.
Wally is expected to address the media in a press conference at Jerry Remy's Sports Bar & Grill once the fired mascot scrapes up enough coins for the $500 Personal Seat License owed to the President of Red Sox Nation and NESN broadcasting legend.
* -- Oh, and while you are digesting this story, don't forget to check the calendar. And look back at Sox news on this date in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004...