Yanks Add Insult to Injury
Schilling Cries 'Ankle!'
(Globe Staff Photo / Barry Chin) |
Open and Shut Up Case
Schill Ill Ankle Throws Wrench into Sox Plan
Curt May Not Pitch Again if He Can't Help the Team
(Globe Staff Photo / Barry Chin) |
Schill Didn't Put Up, Now NY Won't Shut Up
Sox Too Far Down to Come All the Way Back

(Globe Photo / Jim Davis) |
Wake Runs Costly, Timlin Torched in Tight Game Again, Would D-Lowe Have Made a Difference Tito?
"I'd rather see D-Lowe than Timlin, that's just me... Timlin finds too many bats for me at times. He's had some great outings, but he always scares me like a Wakefield non-knuckler." -- BDD chat
Francona Makes All the Wrong Pitching Moves
Nation in Shock, Bombers Crush Boston, Hopes 10-7
Same Old Story: Sox Get T-Shirts. Yanks Get Trophies.
Hell Came Tonight. Daddy Hits Home Tomorrow.
Boston Dirt Dogs Tuesday Pre-Game Chat Wrap
"...he (Curt) was seen lunging for it (ankle) during a session last Friday, he's got to be in some pain. And he was limping on the field during the on-field celebration after the sweep, not jumping around as I've read. I'm not worried about the Marcaine shots, he's pitched well with it before, even mid-game injections, it's this ankle brace that worries me."