Boston Globe:
Sox-Yanks pitching matchups > Sox do it again > Wake Comments
were doctored > Robinson's legacy set in stone > Thumbs |
Boston Herald:
'Tek good in pinch > Heckuva first game > Cora corralled >
Schilling offers a far-from-Curt response > Chamberlain to miss
Sox |
Varitek's 9th inning homer fuels comeback > Ailing Cora could be
put on the DL > Schilling insists: I won't play for Yankees >
Wrapup |
Hartford Courant:
Farnsworth comes up big in Yankees win > ESPN settles with
Reynolds > Phillies beat Astros > Tigers rally past Twins |
It's Red Sox vs. YankeeZZZzzzzz: Rivalry's Buzz Takes a Beating 38Pitches: 'Umm, no.' | Wilbur: Space Shot | Yankee Swap Video: Big Papi Explains Reason for Hitting Woes
Sep 30, 2005:
Da Plane, Da Plane
(Boston Globe Photo / David L. Ryan) |
Video: Papi Got a Plane Today
Not to Be Outdone...
Boomer Got One Too
Sox Need to Be Aggressive, Be Be Aggressive
(AP Photo) |
...with Wang on the Mound Tonight
"H-G-H... H-G-H*"

(BDD Photo Illustration / Kevin Paulson) |
All the Cool Kids Will Be Chanting It at Fenway Tonight. Spread the Word.
(*How Giambi Hits)
Not Dead Yet!

(Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
The Sox Are Staying Alive as the Big Guns Fire Away Down 4-1, Def Champs Rally for 5-4 Walkoff Win
Don't Worry, Big Papi
Señor September: Ortiz Smacks Huge Homer and a Little Walkoff Single Manny Makes it Happen: Ramirez Brings Sox Back with Big Bomb Matt's Lament: Starter Struggles Through 5 (But Makes a Nice Flip Home) Bonafide Big Leaguer: Jonathan is a Cool Breeze with the Heat On Captain Crunch: 'Tek Breaks Horrific 0-for-34 Fenway Slump Mike Myers Gets His Four Lefties (And the Lead Runner at Second) More Good News: Damon is Healthy and Hitting; Stolen Base Shades of Dave Roberts?
"The best thing that ever happened to this team was winning this game tonight. Everybody was on their toes. Everybody had attitude. You see Pookie, our clubbie, Pookie was out there, just like punching people and everything. That's fun. That tells you we're trying." -- 9.29, MVPapi
Sep 29, 2005:
Is Millar the Backstabber?
And Should He Be Benched Anyway?
Smoking Gun?
Millar Ripped Tito to the Herald's Howard Bryant Previously
"The one thing, and I thought about this a lot, and I saw Howard Bryant's (July 6 article, which quotes an unnamed player on the Red Sox who said that it was Francona's responsibility to put his own guys on the All-Star team), with Kevin Millar ripping the manager (about not selecting Matt Clement and Mike Timlin), we all know who it was, so, which I thought was uncalled for considering what the manager's done for him." -- 7.7.05, Peter Gammons, WEEI's The Big Show
Who Said It?: "When he comes into the game, people cheer him like he's the Pope? You think they'd let Pedro get away with this? Why does he get a free pass?" -- Anonymous Red Sox player on Curt Schilling
Tomase Fingers Millar: Schilling "complained in a Boston Globe story that he believes at least one of his teammates wants him to fail. Schilling didn't name the teammate, but it should be noted that after recording a 3-1 putout (Tuesday) night, Schilling ignored Kevin Millar's raised glove and started the traditional around-the-horn himself, firing directly to Tony Graffanino at second without acknowledging Millar." -- 9.28, John Tomase, Lawrence Eagle Tribune, echoing what the ProJo's Sean McAdam also alluded to on WEEI yesterday
More Clues Point to Millar "Someone's Who's Not Wired Right," Check. Someone Who Would Throw Around "Pope" and "Snowman" References, Check. Someone Who's Been Booed at Fenway, Check. Someone Who Wants to "Feel Better" About Their Season, Check. Made "#&@! Everybody" T-Shirts, Check.
Survey: Who Do You Think is Talking Trash About Schilling? Discuss: Backstabbing and Pennant Race Ramifications
Into the Wild?
Chewbacca Should Have Started Because the Evil Empire is Now Han Solo in First Place While the Sox May Be Looking at the Wild Card
Sox Can't Afford to Lose but Do Anyway 7-2
Bronson's Swan Song?
Guitar Boy Gets Hammered Across the Street from Avalon
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Song Sung Blue for Bronson Jays Still Own Sox While Lilly's Being Lilly Against Them Again The Inning Ender: Cowboy Pop Leaves Five on Base Reed 'Em and Weep: Johnson Robs 'Tek in Outfield Edgartown: Rent Hits Homer No. 8 (But Nomar Has 9) A Big 0-for-4 from Ramirez (Nixon Too); Ortiz Bunt Backfires What a Relief: DiNardo Did OK; Manny, Myers Can Pitch In
"We'll try to wipe this one away as quickly as possible. I only threw 79 pitches, so I feel like I'll be healthy for the Yankees. ... You always hope for the opportunity. So, we'll see." -- 9.28, Bronson Arroyo after his awful outing
Sep 28, 2005:
Francona's Finishing Touch
Boo Who?
Get Over It. Curt Has.
Schilling doesn’t think his teammate’s negative comments about him are a big deal
9.28, Curt Schilling on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan show
Gerry Callahan: You always struck me as a guy who was thick skinned and can handle criticism. I was surprised by how much this anonymous teammate affected you.
Curt Schilling: "I think the reason you were surprised was because I think (because of) the editor of the newspaper and a lot of other people, this got taken to be much, much more than it was, than it was intended to be. The gist of the interview, the article that I did with Bob (Hohler) was kind of a look back on the season, how rough it’s been and in the manner of a 15-minute interview, this conversation on this topic lasted about 45 seconds. It really was not and is not the issue it’s being made out to be in my mind. This kind of sniping and back office kind of talk stuff goes on in every place in America, the clubhouse even more so. It’s something that came about, something I found out about, something obviously I don’t think anybody would feel good about it.
"But it kind of ends there. I didn’t go out to the mound or get ready for yesterday’s game with this in the forefront of my mind and having an effect on me, it happens. And it’s something I wasn’t happy about but unfortunately it got made out to be a much, much larger issue than it is to me."
On whether Curt knows who made the negative comments
CS: "I know (who it is) yeah, and I said that. I thought the article (said that). I’m not going to elaborate on that (if he’s still in the clubhouse) part of it because it doesn’t do anybody any good. It smacks of New York media trying to dig under that part of it. No (he hasn’t talked to him about it). He knows I know. It’s done. It’s a done deal. It was said. I commented on how I felt about what was said and I moved on. Unfortunately no one else has moved on.
"It’s hard to elaborate on this one (understanding why he gets a “free pass”) because… we’ve talked about this all year long. I’m in that clubhouse, I’m a part of that team. I see how fans reactions affect my teammates. And again, I’m incredibly appreciative of the fact that I’ve been given one. I certainly didn’t expect or feel like I deserved it based on how I performed this year. But obviously I’m a lot happier not being booed than if I am. I’m no more or less responsible than Mark Bellhorn who hit three home runs in three consecutive games or Keith Foulke who, as I’ve said in the past, was the MVP of that postseason. Unfortunately off the field, the people that write and talk about what we did, a lot more emphasis was placed on some things that happened in the postseason than others. And I feel good about the fact that I’m not getting my ass booed off the field ‘cause Lord knows I’ve deserved it. But it’s a tough situation. I’ve already spent a lot more time talking about it than I have been thinking about it the last couple of days. It’s something that’s happened, it’s done, and I’ve got to move on."
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
The Mother of All Missed Opportunities Sox Fit to Be Tied After 7-5 Debacle
That's Just Tito Being Grady Sticks and Stones: Schilling Struggles Again, Left in Two Batters Too Long High Rent District: Edgar Delivers, Now 'Tek Can't Get a Big Hit Bradford Does Job, But Overstays Welcome in 8th Can Francona Make it Any Harder on Hansen? Would It Have Killed Wake to Finish the Easy Win? Did the Manager Have to Burn Both Pap and Timlin in Game 1? Could They Have Both Come Back in Game 2 Anyway? Is Theo to Blame for the Harville, Gonzalez Crunch Time Choices?
"I’m just not pitching well and it’s been a long time... It’s frustrating... I had two three run leads... I’m pitching horribly... Leaving balls out over the plate... My fastball command has been just horse (crap)... We've got a winnable game sitting there with the chance to be in first place all alone with me on the mound, and in my mind that's a lock. And it hasn't been." -- 9.27, Curt Schilling on his disappointing performance
Few Lineup Changes for Nightcap
Sep 27, 2005:
Sweet 16

(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
When Bush Comes To Shove, Sox Serve Toronto Knuckle Sandwich Def Champs Take Jays 3-1 in Game 1 on Strong Wake
Tim Finally Gets a Win for His Efforts, No. 16 Damon, Rent Jumpstart the Offense RBI Machines: Papi, Manny Drive 'Em Home More Professional Defense from Mueller Papelbon, Timlin Nail it Down (Not Even Going to Mention ER Error No. 30)
Big Pap Holds the Line
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
"I love it. I wouldn't want it any other way. It's making me better as a player and it's making our team better and it's giving me valuable experience at the same time... This division is a battle day in and day out. It's the best of the best, this stretch run we're going to have to bear down and get the job done." -- 9.27, Jonathan Papelbon on the pennant race
Mets Still in Hunt, But Pedro Won't Pitch Tonight
Sniping Sox?
"When he comes into the game, people cheer him like he's the Pope? You think they'd let Pedro get away with this? Why does he get a free pass?" -- Anonymous Red Sox player on Curt Schilling
Curt's Hurt By Teammate's Criticism
"Somebody on this team wants me to get booed to make them feel better, and that really bothers me a lot. Those are the kinds of things that really make me look at this game and understand that when I'm done in the game, I'll be done with the game." -- Curt Schilling on "somebody who's not wired right" in Bob Hohler's Boston Globe story
Theo's Not Surprised
"Not really (surprised by reading that teammate criticized Schilling). If that person is going to speak anonymously to a writer and address it that way, you have to kinda discount it because I don't give that source that much credit. I don't think that person can be a major influence in our clubhouse if that's the way he's trying to address it. No, I'm never surprised, when you have 25 guys living together for spring training, six months in a season, and the offseason, you're never going to have 25 guys to get along perfectly. There's always going to be some conflict and we do a pretty good job in avoiding that and our guys do care about each other." -- 9.27, Theo Epstein on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan
Howard's End: Teammate Talks to the Herald
”He seeks the spotlight, a charming personality trait at 21-6. It's not so adorable when your ERA is three full runs above your career mark and you have an ankle that requires rigorous rehabilitation, yet show up to spring camp, as one player said, ‘looking like Santa Claus.’ … During the last homestand, one player asked, ‘Since when did he anoint himself lord and master of the 617 area code?’ A visiting player wanted to know if it is true that Schilling actually calls in to talk radio shows and lurks on the Internet to make his points (yes, it is). One manager listens intently that Schilling is immune because he delivered the Big Prize.
‘I sort of disagree with that,’ the manager said. ‘Schilling was big, especially psychologically, but to me the difference in that team last year was Keith Foulke. Foulke made it hard to come back against those guys. And he hasn't been spared a thing.’" -- 9.21, Howard Bryant, Boston Herald (subscription only)

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
Hey Anonymous Teammate: Schilling Gets a 'Free Pass' Because of This and This, While Pedro was Being Pedro
"Still, added Schilling, it was difficult to ignore Martinez's absence in Yankee Stadium for Game 6 of the ALCS. Martinez stayed behind in Boston, ostensibly to work on his own in preparation for a possible appearance in Game 7.
'We were in the middle of the greatest eight-game run in the history of baseball and he wasn't there,' Schilling said. 'What does that tell your teammates? But that's just the way it was.'" -- 12.18.04 Providence Journal
Johnny Rotten: 'Now There's No Hometown Discount'
"You know, it wasn't up to me to wait all this time. I said I always wanted to be back. The ownership just had their own agenda about how they take care of things. That's fine. They're entitled to wait, they own the team. Now there's no hometown discount. They do their own thing, so once the offseason comes, I guess I have to do it, too. I had to play the year with the risk of [being] hurt. I've been banged up all year. I know it could be [my last days with the Red Sox]; I don't want it to be. We'll just have to see about winning these last seven games, and get back to the playoffs and win the World Series and then I can write any ticket I want to write... They even told me to buy a home this offseason and I did. Now I'm kind of torn in between whether or not to put the house on the market, because I bought more than my means because they said I was going to be here for a long time." -- 9.27, Damon to NY Post
Sep 26, 2005:
Sep 25, 2005:

(AP Photo) |
King of Pain Keeps Sox Tied for Top
Sox Lower the Boom on Birds in 9-3 Sweeper Big First Inning Batters Baltimore
Wells Far Go: The Sox Kneeded David to Come Up Big and He Did Manny Gets Sox Off and Running with No. 41 Johnny Deep: Damon Shoulders the Load with Long Ball Bradford Not So Bad; The Other Chad Can Hang Around Too Mueller's Batting Like a Champion Again: 3 Hits, 2 RBI, .301 Ave. Sense of Urgency: 'Tek Rambles in from First on Olerud Single Rent and Trot Stay Hot as Sox Head into the Home Stretch
"This place has been very good to our team. A bunch of our fans cannot get tickets in Boston. For them to come down on a weekend and take part in this, that says a lot." -- 9.25, Johnny Rock on the Fenway South Faithful
Sep 24, 2005:
Break, Even

(AP Photo) |
Resurgent Sox Pull Even with Yanks on Rent's Broken-Bat Hit Boston Bounces Back for 4-3 win in Nailbiter at Fenway South
The Rent was Due and the Orioles Paid the Price Nixon, Graff, Damon Set the Table for Edgar's Endgame Clement Being Clement: Six Walks, Four Hits, No Runs Who's on First? Millar Flashes Some Leather for a Change Yes, Tito Told You So (And So Did Gammo): Hansen Doesn't Have His Slider, So Mora Got Lucky, But the Rook Still Has the Right Stuff Get Craig Back in Soon 'Cause The Nation Gave Him a Mulligan on That Papelbon Jovial: Big Jonathan Gets Another W; Myers Gets His Man D-E-F-E-N-S-E: A Strike-'Em-Out-Throw-'Em-Out and a Key Outfield Cutoff By Manny Saves a Run Ryan's Express Derailed: Sox Get the Better of B.J. Timlin Outs: Mike Makes it Interesting Again The Under Appreciated Bill Mueller Says Hello
"A lot of teams lose that game. We're not a lot of teams."
-- 9.24, Manager of the Defending World Series Champion Boston Red Sox Terry Francona
Shocker: There's Only 45,000 People in Red Sox Nation And Some are Willing to Pay $557 for a Couple of Glorified Bleacher Seats
Alive and Kicking

(AP Photo) |
Manny Shows Some Hustle, Flexes Muscle Sox Keep Pace with Yanks in 6-3 Win
Change of Pace: Manny the Gamer Had a Full Head of Steam Tejada Had a Little Too Much B-12 on Long Throw from Short Trot Stays Hot: Nixon Delivers Two-Out, Game Winning Double Another Renteria Revival? Three Runs, Two Hits, No Errors Near Death Wish: Bronson Was on the Brink of Disaster Early, But Guitar Boy Played His Good Stuff in the Second Set Rested Development: Myers, Big Pap Hold the Line in Strong Setup Inherit the Win: Old Man Mike Finishes Fine Just FYI: MVP Talk is Cheap; Sox Need to Keep Eye on the Prize
"(If) I don't get Surhoff out I don't finish that inning. DiNardo's in the game." -- 9.23, Arroyo on his early inning struggles
Graffanino Hopes to Play; Stern to Have Surgery Edes Mailbag: Don't Write Off Clement
Sep 23, 2005:
It's All Over for Raffy the Rat

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
Orioles End Palmeiro's Year
"The abrupt end to Palmeiro's season came one day after it was learned that he cited a vitamin he received from teammate Miguel Tejada as possibly causing the positive steroid test. The Orioles said Major League Baseball absolved Tejada of any wrongdoing."
Foulke on Friday: I'm Done for Season
“We talked about it (taking care of the knees at the end of last season). I think both sides kind of dropped the ball. If anything it’s one of those deals, we definitely should of… I wish I would have agreed to have done it on the first day of spring training.”
“My feeling on this whole season is it’s almost a relief now that it’s over, the last year of my life has pretty much been the worst year of my life, off the field, on the field, it’s one of those deals that I’m glad it’s over… (2005) was the worst pitching performances of my career, I’m embarrassed, but I went out there and tried, it didn’t work, now my focus and all my thoughts are going towards February 15 of next year.”
-- 9.23, Keith Foulke on WEEI
Sweet Home Arizona: Transcript of Foulke's WEEI Interview
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Bill Brett) |
Sox Not on the Same Spin Cycle
On Friday afternoon, Francona said Foulke is seeing another doctor and then they'll make a determination if he can help out the team this season.
A Hard Look at Sox Plan for Fenway Shocker: Pedro's Mailing it In and Shutting it Down
Yanks Spank O's
New York Widens East Gap; Indians Extend Wild Card Lead
Why Has Tito Been Clowning Around with the Old School Bullpen?
Because He's Afraid to Pull the Trigger on the Young Guns
9.22: Peter Gammons tells WEEI that Craig Hansen doesn't have his slider after the long layoff (and would have needed it to get Gomes out last night), has a Dominican arm -- "so loose, quick," with two fastballs, but has let in 1.000 percent of inherited runners (1 of 1 in Portland), Timlin should be able to get four outs, and Wakefield should have been allowed to finish the eighth inning after getting the double play because he is the best clutch pitcher they have and only had thrown 92 pitches.
Sep 22, 2005:
Hit the Road, Jerk

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
(And Don't You Come Back No More)
"Keith Foulke would apparently like to call it a season, but the Red Sox aren't so willing to give up hope that their beleaguered closer can salvage something from his trying year."
"Foulke flew to Boston yesterday to have his aching left knee examined by Sox medical director Dr. Tom Gill and made indications, according to several sources, that he wouldn't pitch again this season. The team, however, didn't necessarily agree with the self-assessment and has arranged a meeting with the pitcher, Dr. Gill and general manager Theo Epstein to reach a conclusion on the matter. Results of the medical examination weren't released."
"There were indications last night that the Red Sox were counting on Foulke to be at Camden Yards tonight for the first of three games vs. the Baltimore Orioles."
-- 9.23, Boston Herald
"A source told me that (Foulke) was completely infuriated after Friday's interview on WEEI and that he is absolutely fed up with the media, the fans, and city of Boston in general. My source went as far to say that Foulke has essentially closed the book on this year's season and simply wants his Boston nightmare to end." -- 9.19, Jeff Guinee, Beantown Chattah -- FSN New England
Serving Up a Whopper
Foulke Likely Done
BDD Archives: Have It Your Way, Foulkie Photo Gallery: Recap Foulke's Lost Season Your Turn: Is Foulke Shutting It Down Good for the Team?

(AP Photo) |
Timlin in Eighth, Second Place in the Ninth The Choke's on Us
Rays Rally for Five in the Eighth to Deep Six the 'Tired' Sox 7-4
Timlin Comes In, Inherited Runner Scores and Then Some Same Old Story: Wake Deserved a Better Fate Again (Out too Soon?) Lame-Duck Lou Outscores, Outwits, Outplays Tito the Enabler-Apologist The Heat Was On: So Where Was Papelbon or Hansen with the Heat? All the Non Moves: Hyzdu Bats with Bases Loaded We're All Tired: But Manny Jogs to First Base in a Pennant Race, Lets Balls Get By Him in Left... and Homers And Then There's Millar
"As the saying goes, 'Mama said there'd be days like these.' This is one of those days. You fall down a hole, you got to crawl out of it. It was an ill-timed loss... I probably hit less than 50% of my spots. That’s part of the game. Today I was off. They hit me. They know I throw strikes. Today I threw too many. The ball (to Gomes) was supposed to be down and away but ball was middle up and he just tomahawked it... We’re pretty beat up, banged up I’m sure the guys are going to relish the day off... It’s not season ending by ending by any means." -- 9.21, Mike Timlin on a horrific loss
"We hit some balls right on the nose... we want to stretch it out anytime we can. We certainly don’t just look at pitch count. If Wake handn’t been throwing well, he probably wouldn't have faced Cantu... (Timlin) just didn’t make pitches, he left pitches out over the plate... Losing tonight doesn’t mean we won’t be the best team out there (in a week and a half)" -- 9.21, Tito being Tito
A Run-of-the-Mill Effort in Crunch Time

(NESN screenshots) |
Manny Taking His Sweet Time Hits Sour Note
NESN's Tom Caron and Red Sox Legend Jim Rice Have Manny on the Run
Tom Caron: Earlier in the game, and Jerry Remy correctly pointed this out right away, at Tropicana Field for some reason, that place, he goes down there and there’s always trouble. A comebacker to the mound, we’ve seen this before, not giving it anywhere near full speed up the first base line… This is a playoff spot on the line. You’ve got to hustle up the line.
Jim Rice: You got to, it just seemed like he… if you can’t beat it out you still have to go through the motion of at least running down there. You only have to run down there for a couple of seconds, go out and bust your butt and just go down there…
TC: For the very reason of what happened. He bobbled the ball on the pitcher’s mound. He threw it high. You watch. I don’t know if he could have beat it out anyway. He bobbles it. He throws it high and he’s not that far from first base. You’ve got to hustle up the first base line.
JR: True. If you run a little harder, he MAY could have thrown the ball over his head, because he could have panicked, it was so close and all of a sudden, you got a guy who almost threw the ball over first base. Manny could have raised it up a little higher, he could have thrown the ball over his head.
TC: Anything could have happened… This is the last full day of summer.
JR: But what do you say, Manny being Manny? I’m tired of that. When you’re in the playoffs, you gotta to bust your heiny. You’ve gotta go down there and show the guys you want to play because you are a big part of this team. And the team’s gonna follow you right now, you Manny Ramirez, Big Papi. You gotta say ‘hey guys, get on my back, I’m going forward.’ We only got 10 games to go. I gotta be a leader.
TC: If you saw one of your teammates do that in 1978, I know you would have pulled him somewhere to the side of the dugout and had a not-gentlemanly conversation about that…
JR: That’s not like me (laughing).
TC: I know you would have had a couple of words.
More Manny moments ...
Snelgrove Shooting: Nightmare on Lansdowne Street Video: The Scene Outside Fenway the Night Victoria Was Killed
Damon Receives Another Cortisone Injection Bill Mueller Bats Leadoff Tonight
Sep 20, 2005:
Rock Stars In Excess

(Reuters Photo) |
MVP, Manny Lead 21-Hit Rout at the Trop In the First Place, They Win 15-2 (But Darn Yankees Keep Pace)
Papi, Manny Collapse McClung, Rays Should They Have Saved Some Runs for Tomorrow? Big Bounceback: Nixon, 'Tek are Members of Four Hit Club Look Ma, No (Official) Errors: But Rent-a-Bust is the Only Hitless Starter Super Schilling Performance Gets Overshadowed by Offense Delcarmen, DiNardo Throw Hat in New Bullpen Ring

(Boston Dirt Dogs / Brian G. Photo) |
"Well maybe the All-Star game was too early to rally the wagon and start the push for Big Papi for MVP. Now maybe I'm coming back late. It's obvious that he is the biggest clutch hitter we have seen in years. What some might not know is how great this season is becoming. Since 1927, there have been only four players recording a season that consisted of final stats of +.300 average, +50 home runs, +150 RBI, +100 walks, and +100 runs: Babe Ruth '21, '27, Hack Wilson '30, Jimmy Foxx '32, '38, and Sammy Sosa* 2001. It certainly doesn't automatically win you a MVP award since Sosa did not win it in 2001 -- Foxx did win it in both his big years; pre-1931 MVP awards were rarer and awarded differently. This is obviously a magical offensive year for Papi -- and there is so much left to accomplish -- but he has my vote." -- 9.20, emailer Thomas W. Dolan Jr.
Wells Will Be Ready; Kapler Has Surgery; Miller Next; Graffanino Out Edes Mailbag: Schill the One?
Rock Star: INXS -- Congratulations J.D. Fortune (No, It's Not About Johnny Damon and His Next Contract)
Life is a Drag for Sox Rookies

(L to R: Jonathan Papelbon, Manny Delcarmen, Adam Stern, Kelly Shoppach, Alejandro Machado / Photo by Angela Gagne - Bill Mueller Fan Site) |

(L to R: Jon Papelbon, Manny Delcarmen, Adam Stern, Kelly Shoppach, Alejandro Machado / Globe and Wire Photos) |
All Dressed Up, Playoffs to Go?
"The Sox yesterday made all of the rookies dress in drag before departing the clubhouse for the flight to Tampa. Local kid Manny Delcarmen had the best -- or worst -- costume of the bunch. Delcarmen was decked out in a black-and-teal Witchy La Bouf costume, complete with hat, bustier, tutu, and fishnet hose. 'My mom is going to love this,' he said." -- 9.19, Boston Globe Red Sox notebook
Sep 19, 2005:
The Glass is Half Empty

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
It's All Wells and Bad: Yanks Just a Half Game Back Sox Drop One in Every Way Possible, 8-7

(AP Photo) |
First Off: Wells Can't Get to the Bag (Does He Have West Coast Jet Lag?) Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Damon's Turning into a Drop Star That's All Foulke: Hansen is a Prime Time Player and Getting Closer Some Blame Pie for Tito: Why is Chad Bradford Pitching to Lefties? Bad News to Bear: Graffanino Gets Hurt (But Cora Steps Up Again) Deep Six: Jonathan Papelbomb's Cantu Attitude is Costly Too Second Place or Bust: That's Just Edgar Being Edgar (Rentererror No. 29 and Counting, and Other Horrible Defensive Plays) David Can't Do It All the Time (Manny Goes 0-for-5; Trot Sick as a Dog) And Then There's Millar...
"The Sox, we like it like this. We roll like this. If you were telling me in February we'd be a half a game (ahead) with 12 to go, I'd say, 'Let's go.' We feed off positive energy... We're fine. One thing we don't do is panic. One thing we don't do is get negative. We believe in each other... pick each other up. That's all you can do." -- 9.19, Kevin Millar, the "#&@! Everybody" T-Shirt Guy
The Future is Now

(Craig Hansen, left, walks with pitcher Jonathan Papelbon / AP Photo) |

(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Craig Hansen and Hanley Ramirez Have Been Called Up
Is Rent-a-Wreck Hurt? "Rene Lachemann was a coach in St. Louis when Edgar Renteria played there and says, "[Edgar] has to be hurt and not telling anyone. He's not throwing well, and he doesn't move the same. This guy is a great player, but he'll never say he's hurt, and he'll insist on playing every game." -- 9.18, Peter Gammons, ESPN.com Insider
Sunday Cruddy Sunday

(Boston Globe Photo / John Bohn) |
Sox Put Out the Welcome Matt in Daytime Nightmare
InClement Weather at Fenway as A's Storm Sox 12-3 Matter of Fact: Former Ace Has Looked Like a Joker
The Bust Stops Here: Another Rent-a-Rest for Edgar Hits are Missing: Offense Takes Another Day Off Red (Shirt) Bull: Sox Dress Like a Softball Team, And Get Undressed Petagine, Hyzdu, Shoppach, Machado Can't Complete Comeback Foulke Gets ERA Under 6.00; Youk Gets Nailed
Flatline Starter: "I always want to give a guy a chance to pitch his way into it. Everything seemed flat, much flatter than normal. There were a lot of balls hit [hard], even some of the outs." -- 9.18, Terry Francona on Clement's outing
A Little Good News: The Embedded Embree Takes Care of Yankees Wade Miller Gets Shut Down; Craig Hansen to be Called Up
Sep 18, 2005:
Where You Been, Manny?

(Boston Globe Photos / Barry Chin) |
Long Gone and Hard to Find Ball Being Out of the Park Gets Sox 2-1 Win MVP = Manny's a Valuable Player Too
Pitching and Defense Wins Championships Not Ready for the 'Pen Yet: Arroyo Hit a High Note Alexcellent: Cora is Second to None on Defense E-Renteria: The Major League Leader Gets Personal Worst 28th Error Now We're Talkin': Papelbon in the Eighth, Timlin in the Ninth
"That's the Manny everybody knows. He's a box full of surprises. You think you got Manny, and he comes out and destroys you." -- 9.17, MVPapi on Manny

(Boston Dirt Dogs / Hope-Valarie Pashos Photo) |
Hey Jay, Don't Come Back Now Ya' Hear?
Sep 17, 2005:
Ker-Plunk! Game Over!
Finally, Manny Takes One for the Team with Big Hit Not Your Typical Walkoff Win, 3-2 in 10
Wake Was Great Again, But Doesn't Get the Win Here's the Pitch: A Big Hit for Rent Too Damon Drops Pop, But Moves Winning Run Along Graffanino is a Gamer; Jumpstarts Rally in 10th Ho-Hum, MVPapi Hits Another Big Homer (Must Be the Buff's Wings) Def Champs Jam: Timlin Gets Out of It
"This is not Pittsburgh, this is not Kansas City, this is not Minnesota. This is Boston right here. We're in first place. It doesn't matter what's going on. You just got to kick it right now. You can't be walking along backwards. You can't be panicking... I don't care if I die out there. Dude, I feel like this is the last ride. You can't be tired. You don't think about being tired. You think about going out there and whooping someone." -- 9.17: David Ortiz, New York Times
Six Police Officers Disciplined for Fatal Snelgrove Shooting Youk Gets Start at First Tonight
Shocker: Foulke Sick of Your Opinion; Truck Stops Here: Keith Tells WEEI He Hates Talking About Baseball and Says "I'm Just an Employee. I Do What They Tell Me."
Sep 16, 2005:
Flower Power

(L-R, Top Row -- Peggy Henry, Stacey Lucchino, Shonda Schilling, Dale Rohman, Dawn Timlin, Jacque Francona
L-R, Bottom Row -- Stacey Wakefield, Heather Clement, Kathryn Nixon, Kelly Olerud, Tiffany Ortiz) |
Say It With Flowers Presented by Shonda Schilling and Dawn Timlin
The first annual Say it With Flowers Luncheon held on Sept.14th was a noteworthy success and raised over $130,000 for research and patient services for those affected by ALS.
Sep 15, 2005:
The Wrong Stuff
False Start: In the Beginning, Schilling Gets Hit Hard While Sox Are Undone by Another Unknown in 6-2 Loss
Not Your Average Joe: Blanton Blows Away Sox Batters 0-for-7 with Runners in Scoring Position It's Offensive: 'Tek, Rent Continue to Struggle at the Plate Umps Make Terrible Calls, Both Sides (Get Over It) Don't Look Now: Yanks One Game Back in Loss Column Jay Who?
"I had a feeling coming into this game they would have seen how many first-pitch fastballs I was throwing in my last game, and how many balls I left in the middle of the plate that got hit well... I knew it was going be to be a tight game and I gave up two runs in about two minutes before anybody's even sitting in their seats."
. Today was location, I just left a lot of balls in the middle of the plate. That was a winnable game going into the seventh, and I just let it get away." -- 9.15, Curt Schilling on his bad start
Damon Back in Lineup; Hyzdu Recalled
Big Shot, Huge Win

(AP Photo) |
That's Just the MVP Being the MVP in the House of David It's a 5-3 Win Where the Rubber Game Meets the Road
What a Short, Strange Trip It's Been: Get Well Soon Gabe The Graff is Half Full: Tony, Tony, Tony Does It Again Rent-a-Rest: Cora Cleans Up Everything at Short Props for the Other David: Wells Came Up Big Too Order Restored: Bradford in the Eighth, Timlin in the Ninth
"The part about Gabe is hard to swallow. He has a ruptured left Achilles... put in a back splint. They can remove it on the plane. He will examined tomorrow by Dr. Gill then the course of action will be determined what's best for him. I think our whole dugout felt he would get up and felt he would have a laugh, we would have a laugh, and it didn't happen. The second I got out there, he just got up and said 'not good.'" -- 9.14, Terry Francona on the Gabe Kapler injury

(Reuters Photo) |
Gordon Edes Chat Wrap: Renteria, Foulke, Manny, Giambi, and More
Sep 14, 2005:
That Was Gross!

(AP Photo) |
And This Guy Hit a Two-Run Homer to Boot Sox Lose Ugly 9-3
On Second Thought, Clement Was Horrible Rentererror Gets No. 26 and No. 27, and Looks Lost at the Plate Can We Trade Him for Nomar (gulp)? 'Cause He Can't Play Here Millar 'Dazzles' in the Field and Somehow Has a 12-Game Hitting Streak Can We DL Foulke and Call Up Hansen? Please? Oh Captain: 'Tek Might Need a Full Week Off Good News Dept.: Papi Pops Another One (Now Why Didn't He Play Against RJ?)
"If I'm not on the postseason roster, if they don't think I'm good enough, that will be an even bigger story. I'm making $7.5 million. If I'm not on the postseason roster, there's probably a pretty good chance I won't be here (in 2006)... Do you think I give a (expletive) about their confidence? It's all about me." -- 9.13, The always affable Keith Foulke, Boston Herald
Sep 12, 2005:
Big Time

(Reuters Photo) |
Guess Who Comes Through? MVP Turns 40 into a Game Winner, 6-5
Pap, Crackle, and Papi
Ortiz Strikes Two; Manny Hits One Too And Big Pap Comes Up Huge for First Win Tito Little: Francona Leaves Arroyo in Way Too Long Who Knew? Foulke Comes Out Too Soon Not the First Time Timlin Gets Taken Deep
"It's his first time in the big leagues but he pitches like he's been around forever. He reminds me of Roger Clemens, the attitude, the arm. When he gets more experience, he's going to be filthy. He's filthy already." -- 9.12, David Ortiz on Jonathan Papelbon

Red Sox Notions
New Englanders’ love affair with the Red Sox is legendary. Youngsters dream of playing on the hallowed turf, and the organization does everything possible to get fans of all ages to drink the Kool-Aid.
What is the State of the Art of Red Sox notions, and where can the Sox take this $200 million dollar marketing machine? Of course, we’ll praise the obvious, the great charitable work the Sox do with the Jimmy Fund, the Red Sox Foundation, and sponsoring such successful promotions as the Ring Raffle. Of course, only winning allows the opportunity. After all, who’s ponying up ten bucks, charity or not, for an ALCS Runner-up headband?
First, you can become a card-carrying member of Red Sox Nation, for a mere $9.95. Multiracial, multilingual citizens of the Nation, authenticating the reality of Nation Building, regale you. Citizenship entitles you to Game Day Audio from MLB.com, not terribly useful when watching NESN, an e-newsletter, double-secret probation pages on www.redsox.com, and commodity trading selections from John Henry’s staff (just kidding about the commodity picks).
If you own a home, a lawn or garden, or maybe a flower pot, you can purchase official Red Sox grass (no, not certified by Bill Lee), culled from the infield at Fenway, lovingly cultivated in Rhode Island, and returned to you, in a pizza box, for a mere $150. I know I saw this, and no, I only saw it, I don’t smoke it.
The pregame show Wednesday night highlighted a few notions from the Souvenir Store, from specialty Wallys, to hats of every color, although they left out the fantastic Red Sox jackets (thanks for mine, Sis).
We all know about the Sox’ Fenway tours, concerts at Fenway, and functions and weddings at Fenway. Why knot?
Still, we’re only scratching the surface on possibilities, and some of them may have a limited shelf life, so I’m offering them up for JH and company to get on board as soon as possible.
It’s a lock! No I’m not talking about the self-proclaimed Forehead Twins, Don and Jerry, but the Red Sox Mane Man, Johnny Damon. Damon might be considering to fleeing to greener pa$ture$ in the Bronx, so why not offer locks of hair from Johnny. Surely, he must get a trim now and then, plus whatever you can retrieve from a post-game shower, and Johnny can get a percentage, too. It’s a win-win for everyone. Revenue potential: $.
The Huck Finn Paint Promotion! I’m not sure that the Green Monster actually needs painting, but don’t let necessity interfere with genius. You get a paint company to supply paint (“Sherwin Williams, the next best Williams after Ted, official paint of the Boston Red Sox”) and get fans to pay for the privilege of painting the Wall. All right, so there may be some liability issues out there, but there’s always “AFLAC, The Official Insurer of the Boston Red Sox.” Revenue potential: $$.
Dirt Bags in Dirt Bags Offer. Surely the Sox have to constantly maintain and replenish the field at Fenway. Why can’t the Sox bag up some Fenway dirt and package it in small bags with some of our favorite opponents? Just for starters, I’d love to get one with Scott Kazmir and Lou Piniella on it, although we might have to call it Bean Bag promotion that day. There’s Jason Giambi, looking very muscular after adjusting his, er, training regimen this year. Baltimore’s Orange bag would have Raffy, maybe with skull and crossbones, and we could even have some “blasts from the past” like Bucky Dent and Mookie Wilson. Revenue potential: $$.
Finally, we have the piece de resistance, or maybe more current, the big enchilada. The John Henry Red Sox Development Mutual Fund. Sox fans, accompanied by a certified letter from their City Hall, and a minimum contribution of $1,000 dollars could invest in either a plain vanilla or IRA mutual fund run by John Henry. Henry, one of the global investment geniuses, would invest our money (better than most of our mutual funds) and a small portion (we’ll call it the R-B-I fee) would go towards funding Red Sox operations and signing current, and acquiring future, players. Another feel good touching everyone’s most sensitive nerve, the money nerve. Touch it and everybody jumps. Revenue potential: $$$$.
Not only do I care about the Sox, so do my patients. Wives tell me their husbands talk to them more after the Sox win. Patients tell me their sleep improves when the Hose triumph. Dogs get better walks after the local nine wins. Children get pocket change to buy candy. It’s just good cents.
-- Ron Sen, Boston Dirt Dogs contributor and founder of Red Sox Reality Check
Empire Strikes Back
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Meir Weinberg) |
Johnson Waxes Sox in 1-0 Yankees Win
Wake Gem Wasted; Tim Deserved a Win Game of Inches: Giambi Game-Winner Falls Fair; Damon's Shot Foul More Questions Than Answers: Did Tito Go for the Jugular? Should Damon Have DH'd? Should Youk Have Batted Third? Should Papi Have Played? Should Mirabelli Have Batted in the 8th? Should 'Tek Have Pinch Hit? Should Stern Have Tried to Steal?
"You really have to sweep the series to really gain any ground. Leaving here with a five-game lead would have been nice, but they only gain a game on us, and we have other games to play. I'm very confident in this team."
-- 9.11, Tim Wakefield on the series
Sep 10, 2005:
Ace in the Hole

(Reuters Photo) |
Schilling Being Thrilling: The Comeback Kid Makes 55,000 People Shut Up Again
Sox Bounce Back in the Bronx 9-2 Manny Gets His Groove Back; Another Olerud Awakening Giambi Gives Another Enhanced (?) Performance Graffanino Knows How to Play Nixon Breaks It Open
From the horse's mouth: "The only thing better than being cheered in Fenway is being booed in Yankee Stadium. When you come in here and you get booed like they boo me, you better get your I's dotted and T's crossed, because they're waiting. ... When you come in here there's a different kind of adrenaline. It's always helped me focus." -- 9.10, Schilling on pitching at The Stadium
A Tragedy of Errors

(AP Photo) |
A Friday Night Horror Show -- Yanks 8, Sox 4
More of the Sveum: Varitek Out by the Proverbial Mile, It’s Not About How Many Outs There Are Dale
Gaffe-anino: Tony and Millar Star in the Boston Blooper Reel
Thinking About Joining the Angels in the Outfield? Damon Boots One in Nomaresque Fashion While Renteria Spikes the Ball After Yankees Touchdown
Tito Being Tito: Olderdude Can’t Play First Base Twice in 24 Hours?
Wells Off: And He Makes Another Stink About a Bad Call and Getting Yanked Early
Somebody Gotta Payton: Chad Badford -- The Game Ender
Tough Night for ‘Tek: Captain Can’t Deliver with Bases Loaded Again
Small Talk: Sox Played Like Dead Fish in Small’s Pond
‘Ripken’ Can Run: Manny Hits the Ball, Does the Head-Down-Hustle, Gets on Base (What a Concept)
But What’s Up with the $20 Million Man’s Power Outage?
The 8th Run Wonder: Rentererror, the anti-OC, Could Get to Balls… But He’d Have to Get His Shirt Dirty
Good News? Mueller Heats Up; Harville and Gonzo Hold the Line
"You don't want to make a big mistake. Those guys always take advantage of that. I've been watching them for a long time. You have to play your best against them. It doesn't matter how bad they've been playing or how bad they've been struggling. You've got to bring your 'A' game against them all the time."
-- 9.10, David Ortiz on the Sox and their 'F' game
Foulke May Pitch in Later Innings Soon
Sep 9, 2005:
Manny on His Fanny
“The (Sox) players were calling him Manny Ripken last night. ..If you hung out in the clubhouse of the Angels (this week), a team that plays hard all the time, you would be surprised at the disgust that other players have for the quote ‘Manny being Manny’ thing… He virtually gets a free ride in this town, and if that’s what they want, fine, but let Hanely Ramirez come up to the big leagues and play like Manny, then see what the whole team is like.” -- 9.9, ESPN's Peter Gammons on WEEI's Big Show
It's a Whole New Ballgame

(Boston Dirt Dogs / Jamison Odone Illustration) |
Yanks Have Been Flat All Season
And Their Backs Are Against the Floor This Weekend
“The one thing is the Red Sox have to avoid being swept and put the Yankees right back in it. One thing that troubles me is that the Sox have not hit pitchers they don’t know and have trouble with guys that pound the strike zone (like Small)… it’s (the series) is so important for the Yankees.” – 9.9, ESPN’s Peter Gammons on WEEI’s Big Show
Embree Oh My
"'When I am right, bet on me (when facing David Ortiz),' Embree said. 'I don't mean that as a slap at David. He is a .300 hitter. Hopefully I can get the other .700. He is a good friend of mine, but I hope we beat them,' said Embree, who was released by the Red Sox and picked up by the Yankees on July 30. 'He is one of the most dominating left-handed hitters in the game. You can't argue with his numbers but you have to be aggressive. You try to be too careful and you make a mistake.'" -- 9.9, New York Post
Still Juice Guys?

(BDD Photo Illustration / Jeff Bayko) |
(Only Their Pharmacist Knows)
It's Incredible...

(BDD Photo Illustration / Kevin Paulson) |
How Much Giambi Has Bulked Up Lately
“The return of Jason Giambi has been more dramatic and much less predictable than the resurrection of Jason Voorhees. The Giambino's .435 on-base percentage leads the league. His July — 14 home runs and 1.498 OPS — was one of the greatest in Yankees history.” -– 8.30, Kevin Hench, FOXSports.com
The Most Bloated Payroll in Baseball

(BDD Photo Illustration / Rodmen S. Nelson) |
But Can They Still Wrestle with the Red Sox?
"'I think this is a team that thrives on adversity,' says Millar, Mr. T-Shirt Man. 'I talked to one of our former teammates who's now on the Yankees, and he couldn't believe how different it is, how everyone goes his own way as soon as the game is over. I know this team is crazy and all that, but we're all in the clubhouse at 2:30 every day, getting on one another, and we hang out long after the game is over. You hear stuff about teams that have each other's backs, but it's real here.'" -– 9.4, Peter Gammons, ESPN.com insider
"'I think what's developed here is a mentality similar to what the Yankees used to have,' says Trot Nixon. 'Not that the current Yankees aren't a great team; they are. But when they had Paul O' Neill, they were a little different. You could be up 5-1, but they'd never quit, they'd start chipping away and we'd start to think, 'uh oh, here they come again.' We learned a lot from that '03 series. We might have lost, but it hardened us. There were guys like Ortiz and Millar who were going around telling everyone we had the series won when we were down 3-0 last year, and we believed them. There's no question that playing 60-something games with the Yankees the last three years has been good for us, because it toughens. There's no tougher rivalry in baseball. None. I think you see a lot of teams get leads here and when we start scoring begin to think, 'here they come.'" -– 9.4, Peter Gammons, ESPN.com insider
"Not too long ago, the Yankees were at the bottom of the wild-card leaderboard. Now they're on top, and it's hard to imagine a scenario where the $200 million payroll doesn't stave off the small-market competition."
"Just two months ago — in fairness to Mr. Shaughnessy — it was hard to imagine a scenario where the Yanks made the playoffs."
"Starters Carl Pavano, Kevin Brown, Jaret Wright and Chien-Ming Wang all went on the disabled list. Randy Johnson missed a start with a tight back. Only Mike Mussina was taking his regular turn."
"Al Leiter, Shawn Chacon and Aaron Small were brought in to bail water from the rapidly sinking ship. Leiter and Chacon were a combined 4-14 in Florida and Colorado, respectively, this season, and the 33-year-old Small had never made a start in the big leagues."
"The Yankees were dead, right? Well, maybe, if a certain someone hadn't had the audacity to point it out. Shaughnessy should have known better."
"Like a bad tag line for an unnecessary movie sequel — 'Nothing this evil can ever die,' all the Boss' money and all the Boss' men were able to put the Empire back together again." -– 8.30, Kevin Hench, FOXSports.com
A Rare Byrd

(AP Photo) |
Sox Shut Down in Series Finale, 3-0
Byrd Flies Through Sox Lineup Don't Pinch Me: Manny Still Lost at the Plate Blue Blows Call on the OC Leaving Early on Trot Grab Shields Stops Heart of the Order Petagine Can't Scrape off Rust
"If I throw that game out there 10 times with our team, we're going to win eight or nine of them. I ran into a tough customer tonight. He did a good job." -- 9.8, Matt Clement on going up against Paul Byrd
Sep 8, 2005:
Rock Starter
Bronson Sings a Different Tune After the Second Inning While Santana Hits a Sour Note in 6-3 Sox Win
Hey Everybody: All We Have is Millar-Against-the-World Hitting No. 9 Slow Poke: Manny-Lollygagging-Manny Called Out Twice at First Base Thanks Ump: Papi Produces Two More Big Runs Wall Ball: Nixon Doubles in Game Winner Walking the Walk: Cora's a Triple Threat Iron Mike Timlin Gets 7th Save
"Alex Cora was a huge difference, getting that triple and getting that walk to get us going... We're pretty happy about these first two games... Hopefully tomorrow we can pull off the sweep." -- 9.8, Johnny Damon on the win
Miller Throws; Stern Ready to Run
Sep 7, 2005:
Has Millar Gone Too Far?

(BDD Illustration) |
The Cowboy's New 2005 Team Theme Doesn't Exactly Embrace a Supportive Red Sox Nation
"If it's early September, it must be time for Kevin Millar to bring out this year's edition of the team unity T-shirt. The words on the front of the black T-shirt aren't entirely printable, but the words on the back read: '2005 Sox - All We Have Is Each Other.'"
"'The last four, five weeks, that's when you come together as a unit, as a team,' Millar said. 'It's Cowboying Up time. We're starting to come together. We had a tough spell there in Kansas City, going 4-6 on the road trip, but back here we're starting to turn it on.'"
-- 9.3, Boston Herald
Your Turn: What Should Be the Theme for the 2005 Team?
"The people who feel betrayed are the ones who stood behind him (Millar) when he was doing badly. He last week said on NESN we were a 10,000,000 member family and no one should boo."
"This week he said #@&! everyone but the 25-40 people on the roster with him. He cut his family down by almost 9,999,960. It was childish, not well thought out, and will probably start the booing again. And it just might have ended his career chances in Boston. These preppie owners won't want part of this kind of mess."
-- 9.7, Posted by raisnkan
"It is the fans who are here year after year, generation after generation. The fans will still be here giving their hearts to the Red Sox long after everyone on this roster is long gone. It's the fans who have made Boston the best baseball town in the country. It's the fans who have created this incredible love affair with the Red Sox. It's the fans who these players should be eternally grateful to.
Let them put that on a T-shirt, something like '2005 Sox -- We're All In This Together.'
It might not be as catchy.
But it would be a lot closer to the truth."
-- 9.8, Bill Reynolds, ProJo
Jump to Conclusion
Another Fenway Leap of Faith as David Delivers the Win

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration / Chelbus Flinsburgen) |
Wake Up Call: Sox Beat Angels 3-2 in Walkoff Tim Pitches a Gem for Complete Game Win Champs Looked Lost: Too Many LOBs Spelled Trouble Determined Defense Put Sox in Winning Position
"When I have in my mind you have a good fastball, I always have that in the back of my head. I hit this ball good, but it didn't go that far to the Williams seat. I think it had to go 25 more rows. I'm taking Vladdy (his countryman and friend) home tonight. I'll ask him how far it went... It's good. It's a good feeling, especially when you have a guy like Wakefield out there pitching the way he did tonight. You want to do something for the guy." -- 9.6, David Ortiz on another walkoff home run
Delcarmen and Shoppach Recalled from Pawtucket Damon Back in the Lineup
Sep 6, 2005:
McCarthy's Park

(AP Photo) |
Sox Bats Melt Against Rookie Righty in 5-3 Loss
Labor Day: Schilling's Top Line Numbers Were OK, But the Bottom Line is a Loss No Foulke Implosion: Johnny from Burger King was Impressed Manny Being Manny: Lackadaisical Left Fielder Allows the Rare Left Field Triple Graffanino Homer Makes it Interesting Would Olerud Have Made a Difference?
"There's a critiquing done by people, sometimes it's from a little less than informed opinion I guess, from the media standpoint. Sometimes they miss the important details. Yesterday everybody was talking about how good my fastball was, but if you go back and look at the video, I had just no command of my fastball. I was wild inside the strike zone which is not something I do a lot and it was one of those days where if I had good command of my fastball, I could have had a good day. I felt pretty good yesterday from a physical standpoint... I'm so tired of trying to sit here on a daily basis now and measure progress after a loss. At the same time, I'm tired of moping. Whatever it was (progress or not), it's over. We lost. And I've got to get ready for Saturday now." -- 9.6, Curt Schilling on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan re: his performance on Monday
Sep 5, 2005:
Actions Speak Louder

(AP Photo) |
Wells Walks the Walk, Sox Romp 5-1
Mission Control: Mr. Big Stuff Bangs Out a Complete Game Going, Going, John: Hot Competition at First as Olerud Homers Again Double, Trouble: Johnny Tough Guy Gets Two RBI, Jams Shoulder
"I love it. It's harder for me to do it, but I enjoy it. As long as your pitch count is down and you are hitting your spots and you're not showing any signs of fatigue... it can be a lot of fun." -- 9.4, Boomer on complete game
Sep 4, 2005:
Another Shot. Neat.
(AP Photo) |
Millar Pounds One Again. Clement's Finishing Strong. Sox Hang on 7-6
Lucky Seven: Bats Bang in Enough Runs to Win Errors, Errors, Read All About It: Rent, Damon, Manny Make Mistakes Papi's Insurance Shot Comes in Handy Cardiac Mike Gets the Shaky Save
"Anytime you give extra outs, extra opportunities, it is not good. When things don't happen always perfect, we come back and don't let it throw us for a loop." -- 9.3, Terry Francona on the unearned runs problem
Sep 3, 2005:
Sep 2, 2005:
Deja Vu: Manny Ripken Needs to Rest Again
Ole School

(Boston Globe Photos / Jim Davis) |
John the Ripper Comes Up Big with 6 RBIs And the Sox Rally Again for a Sweep, 7-4
Comeback Kid: Rock Star Turned Pitcher Hangs Around for a Win Manny Who? Millar Keeps Banging Away in Left Papelbon in the Eighth... But Not in the Ninth Timlin Leaves Inherited Runners On Base
"When you get some hits and you contribute to a team's win, it definitely makes you feel like you're part of the club. I felt like I was going to fit in." -- 9.1, John Olerud
Sep 1, 2005:
Call Me

(BDD Photo Illustration) |
Millar is Now Available for Interviews Again
Yesterday's News: Read more daily headlines here

There's a Sucker Born Every Minute
To quote the actor better known as "Squiggy" on "Laverne & Shirley" from the movie "A League of Their Own"... "Take me home momma, I have seen enough to know that I have seen too much."
The Boston Red Sox are now offering for sale, "Championship Sod used on the field at Fenway Park during the 2004 season" on their website.
So let me see ... the Rolling Stones trash the outfield grass two weeks ago, causing it to be replaced. Will that be for sale once the Championship turf sells out?
Have these guys -- Red Sox ownership -- no shame whatsoever?
What's next?
Bottled hot-air from Kevin Millar from any post game interview?
Authentic pieces of the plastic used to cover the players' lockers during the World Series post Game 4 celebration?
Wood chips from the stage used for the presentation of the World Series trophy?
Cloth remnants from the towels used by players after their championship clinching showers?
Empty champagne beer (and, of course, Jack Daniels) bottles from the Sox locker room celebration?
Genuine spittle from David Ortiz's batting gloves from right before his ALDS game-winning home run versus the Angels?
Wads of chew gnawed on by Terry Francona during the 2004 season?
Pine tar from Trot Nixon's helmet?
Paper towels used by Manny during one of his outfield "Green Monster breaks?"
Baggies of vomit scooped from Lansdowne Street following the series victory?
Johnny Damon was only partly right.
It's all of Red Sox Nation who are really the idiots.
-- Bill Bingham, Westerly, RI