Welcome to Boomtown
Sox Ink Wells

(AP Photo) |
Late Boomer
Boston Globe Exclusive:
Sox Lower the Boom on the Right Lefty with Two Year Deal
Jayson Stark: "Steinbrenner just about exploded (when he heard.)"
Not Exactly an Idiotic Signing
An Even Bigger Tab
Newbury Street and Faneuil Hall establishments, devastated by the loss of
D-Lowe, are estatic about Boomer's arrival.
In other news: Bottle of red, bottle of white, Dr. Morgan lost his job last night
Kap Guns are Real
"There was a guy I played with in the
minors. He told me that in college his best shots would never quite make
it out of the park. Then he turned to the steroids and he said that
within a month and a half, he was hitting balls 20-30 feet over the
fence. When your strength is that far superior to other guys, you have a
greater margin of error if you don't hit the sweet spot... I understand
the human body pretty well. I know the human body doesn't do things that
some of the human bodies we've seen are doing. Your bones don't grow.
Muscles can grow, but when you see somebody whose facial features have
grown, it opens some eyes."
Kap says all the right things again about steroids, which have been illegal in this country since 1990, for all citizens. |